Chapter 30

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I stopped counting the days I was on that ship. It was hard to keep track anymore when I could only see a big, wide ocean and only a little bit of sky. I did see David often, maybe every hour or so, and sometimes he would even stay and have a meal with me. I still couldn't express the words I wanted to describe how it was to see him again, especially after thinking he was dead.

"So, let me get this straight," He started after taking a bite of bread, "You fell in love with this… Christian, after you were kidnapped and thrown onto Valerian's ship?"

"Yeah. And I didn't think I could ever fall for someone like him." I stated, and he broke off a piece of bread and gave it to me. We were sitting on the floor of my prison, the candle lit and the blanket over my shoulders. "But Christian really is an amazing guy. And he's been through so much."

"Really?" He swallowed hard in disbelief, "Like what?"

"He recently lost his wife and son." I sighed, "And he was still married when he was with me. He cheated on her with me, which made me feel so guilty, especially since his entire village hates him now."

"That's horrible. But why would you still be with him if he cheated on his wife? You know he could do the exact same thing to you."

"No." I glanced out the window, imagining where he'd be right now. "He wouldn't do that to me."

"All men are alike, Elisa." He commented, sounding so sure of himself. "And if men do something once, they can sure as hell do it again."

"Christian loves me." I shot at him, my head whipping around to glare at him. "I don't doubt it for a second. And now, they're on their way to the same place we're headed as well, but Christian is coming to find me. I've never felt so strongly about something like this before in my life."

He lowered his eyes so they wouldn't be looking at mine, "For your happiness, Elisa, I hope you're right."

"I love him, too." I added quickly, "And he told me the feelings for his wife went away when I came into his life. Say I'm crazy, but when we find each other again, we will never be apart."

He stood up quietly, "Then have fun with him." He stated before heading to the door. I wasn't sure what his problem was. So I didn't stop him as he left, leaving me by myself again.

That was, until I heard a knock. But it wasn't from the door. It was from the window.

"What the-" I questioned before crawling to the window and sitting on my knees to look out of it. Sure enough, there was a woman with long brown hair and a mermaid tail was hanging onto the sill with her fingers.

"Coral!?" I exclaimed loudly, but she pressed a finger to her lips, and I shut up. "But how-"

"Don't question." She said quickly, "I was sent by Christian. He wants to know you're okay."

"Of course I am." I stated, "Where is he?"

"Their ship is about a day northwest of this one." She explained, "But he was very panicked. He couldn't think about anything else but you."

My heart fluttered at what she said. He obviously loves me. But the thought of him missing me, and me being away from him now was more painful then I could even imagine. "Can you get me out of here?" I asked hopefully, tearing at the wood around the window.

"I don't think I can." She sighed, "But I can at least let Christian know you're okay. Just try to not get yourself killed by then."

"Of course not." I promised, "And if you see your mermaid friends again, tell them they can come attack this ship all they want."

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