Chapter 29

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We exited the house and entered the outside world. There were people everywhere, some I recognized, some I didn't, but all were definitely pirates. Everyone had their swords out, fighting each other, and it looked as if the two captains were battling it out.

"You shouldn't be here." Val growled at the other man, and they had made an 'x' across their chests with the swords, each forcing their might with all their strength. "We did everything. We won't let you take it from us."

"No." The man pushed Val off of him, but then his eyes landed on Christian and I. Christian held me closer to him, and Robin appeared next to me, and they exchanged a silent message through glances. "She did."

And everyone looked right at me.

"Get her." The man ordered, but Christian and Robin shoved me behind them, but there were as many of them as there were of us. The two of them couldn't fight them off.

And I thought I was pretty safe too, until strong arms wrapped around my waist, I screamed, and then I was being carried off.

"Elisa!" Christian screamed in panic as another guy joined him, and one guy had my shoulders as another guy had my legs.

"Let go of me!" I ordered, trying to kicked them, punched them, claw them, do something useful. "Christian!"

"Elisa!" He came running, but my captors were faster. And Christian kept running until I couldn't see him anymore.

"Let me go!" I screamed, squirming, flinching, doing anything I possibly could to break free, but it was no use. And they carried me all the way to a different ship, one that was maybe two hundred feet away from Val's, and they threw me onboard.

"Stay here, wench." They ordered as I tossed my hair over my shoulder and scrambled to my feet.

"I am a pirate." I growled, turning right around and running to the edge, but right before I jumped into the ocean, they grabbed me again.

"No you don't." The one holding my right arm said as they slammed me back on the wood, "You stay here. Captain's got a few things to say to you."

"He's not my Captain." I growled through clenched teeth, but that's when the other pirates started trickling in. "What could he possibly want with me!?"

"Oh, you stupid girl." The pirate laughed, "You underestimate how important you are to this quest."

"I'm not important to you. I can't, and especially won't, help you." I stated, crossing my arms. "And there's nothing you can do about it."

"The wench has confidence." The silent one said to the loud one.

"She has sass." He corrected, shutting him up. "Captain won't like that."

"He's going to have to deal with it." I stated, and the other pirates I didn't recognize came running to the ship. The Captain was the last one to arrive.

"They're going to have a hard time getting out of that one." One of the pirates stated, and the group he was talking to laughed.

"You should've seen the look on their faces!" Another said.

"I hope that place burns to the ground." Another spoke up, and when I looked over the island, I gasped as I saw the smoke rising from the trees.

"It won't stop them. It'll only slow them down." The Captain stated, "We must go onward! Do you have the map?"

"I do." Another spoke up, showing him. "But it got sort of burned when we lit the forest ablaze."

"You idiot." Captain stated, "What if we can't read it!?"

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