Climbing the next Hill!

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I can't battle the Lumiose city gym because i don't have enough gym badge...

quite awkward and stupid...

so we decided to go face our next gym on Cyllage city! i heard that the Gym leader there is tough! I can't wait for the battle!

but first, we need to go through route 7!


"so... do you think we should try to find the champion? I think we're capable" Gallade suggested
"no... we'll just get blasted by her Gardevoir's Shadow ball" i said with a plain face

"yeah... you're right"

"we'll battle her eventually... remember, we need to get more informations and experience too beat her!"

"Right" Gallade said agreeing on me.

"okay let's-" i froze when i suddenly see a group off people standing near the fountain on Camphrier Town... they are wearing some sort off black suit, with a hat? they seem to wear a mask... I can't even identify who are they, but i have a bad feeling about this...

one off them rises his hand and show some sort off sign... then they went towards route 7 without even noticing us...

"who are they?" Gallade said right beside me with his face concerned...
"are they friends?" Lucario asked

"... no... they don't seem like they are friendly..."


after buying some stuff for our travel... i walked out from the Market and see the rest off my friends waiting for me outside, i signaled them too "continue our journey" and start heading towards the connecting cave with a bag full off resources for our travel.

"should we avoid them?" Gallade asked as i placed my last berry at the bag
"just to be safe? yeah" i then carry the bag and ready too leave...

"come on Lucario" i called as i continue on my path too Cyllage city, Lucario notices me and stops looking at the fountain

i feel happy as Lucario follows me... with Gallade of course.

"hey... don't get too close to the Lucario... okay?" Gallade said...

Did he read my mind?

"yeah... i won't" I sigh after that last part... The Lucario didn't hear us luckly...


after a few walking... we have finally reached the connecting caves... somethings odd... there doesn't seem to be anyone walking in or out off it...

"that's the cave?" Gallade asked me, feeling a bit uncomfortable by the silence
"yeah... hm..." I said as I started thinking... 


something clicked on my mind, I remembered an Alternate route... i looked towards south and see a very tall bush, then i walked over it

"where are you going?" Lucario ask

"finding another way" i said as my Jacket caught some tiny Branches
"Careful..." Gallade said worriedly
"this is nothing pal" i continued...

then i found it...

another big hole forming a Cave...

it's the alternate route.

"guys! I found it!" I shouted as I swipe off the Tiny branches stuck on my Jacket
"really?" Gallade said unsure, but then after he went through the bushes, he sees another path

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