Trouble en route

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after leaving santalune city, i came across Route 4!

and we're in... a garden! 

"this is... a garden?" Gallade ask his thoughts.
"yeah! even i am surprised" i said honestly.

"it looks... nice" Lucario mumbled behind me
"i know, people have been taking care of this garden for years now" i added

the garden have a hedge mazes almost everywhere. but at the center of the square. 

it's the Perle Fountain! many people are taking pictures there. i'm quite concern to walk there but... i'm fine for taking some relax time at the fountain.

gardeners are taking care flower bed like how they have been doing it for years with flabébé's flying around them, with some carrying red or yellow flowers.

"let's take some breather here" i suggested
"why?" Gallade ask

"well... can't i?" i asked him

Gallade sigh a bit.

"sure, suit yourself" he said as he walks towards the fountain.

i instead followed him since i want to go a the fountain as well...


the Lucario is now looking at the flower bed as we're at the oppisite side of the fountain

as i stand near the fountain, i can feel the sprinkle of waters hit my jacket as i didn't care about it since my mind is driven to the blue clear sky...



"why do you decide to let that Lucario stay with us?" Gallade ask suddenly through telepathy. disturbing my quiet time... 

but i response anyways

"well... i want to know his story, plus. we got a new friend!" i said through my mind as well, with an added smile at the last sentence

"are you sure it's safe? we barely know it!" 
"calm down... what are you even worried about?" i added roughly

"i... am worried that it might-"
"hey! that won't happened again... but i can't just put Lucario at a Pokemon shelter... it won't be safe there for a long time."

"i know... but-" Gallade paused


"i don't want to nearly lose you again" Gallade sadly added
"i know... me too"

then we faced away for a bit...


when will the Alex i know return?

will i meet him again?




A sudden loud uncomfortable crack of wood heard as i looked up and see a Rhyhorn figure charging towards me in high speed!

with the shock i froze in place a i thought that his horns would stab through me...

i closed my eyes flinching, hoping to not see myself getting hurt...

until a loud screeching glass sound punch through my eardrums! the familiar sound made me open my eyes to see Gallade in front of me using a transparent impenetrable shield screen, protecting him and me from the horn of the figure!

"Justin! get to a safe distance!" Gallade yelled as i hear other poeples started screaming in horror and fear
with quick adaption i response.

"Alright!" i shouted as i move away from the fountain and the Rhyhorn.

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