the lake day

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The next morning I woke up bright and early, it's like when you have something super exciting the next day so you cant wait to get up, cedric and I are going to the lake today just to hang out and if you couldnt tell... I'm excited.

I threw on an outfit with my bikini underneath:

And then braided my warm brown hair into two braids, adding butterfly clips along them

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And then braided my warm brown hair into two braids, adding butterfly clips along them.

I put on some concealer, mascara, brow gel, lipgloss and fake freckles. I was looking actually okay for once. Realising it was already 9:30am I rushed to put my phone into my little bag and my lipgloss and then grabbed a towel even though its winter and if we swam we would probably get hypothermia!

Walking with a skip in my step, I made my way towards the courtyard where I had previously arranged to meet up with cedric. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the one of a kind blonde hair and piercing icy eyes staring daggers into the side of my head. Draco malfoy. Didnt he go home for the holidays? Not that I care. I just turned towards him and gave him a glare and he looked away quickly.

I heard Cedrics sweet voice call my name as they threw their arms around me.

"Hello cedric"
I responded with a kind smile

We had a small chat and then decided to head towards the lake.



We began at the same time followed by laughter from each of us.

"You go"
He offered kindly

"I was going to ask if you wanted to read? I brought a book I could read for us. It's okay if you dont want to I just like reading out loud and I dont read to many people but I thought-"
I rambled on, feeling slightly embarrassed

"-shh I'd love for you to read to me"
He gave me a bright, warm smile

This comforted me instantly. This boy.

I smiled and blushed, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

He laid himself comfortably against the large oak tree and gestured for me to lay with my back against his chest and I did so.

I opened up my book and began to read from where I was. We continued like this, occasionally Cedric would ask a question about the plot of the book. I enjoyed his company and he was a good listener.

We did this for hours until it was 4pm and I looked up from my book and over to the school.. to see a certain blonde lurking in the shadows. Why wont he just leave me be. He made it clear that he wants nothing to do with me.

My thoughts interrupted by cedrics calming voice

"Yes cedric"
I responded with a giggle as I copied his tone of voice

"Wanna swim?"
He asked with a playful smirk

I squealed and started to take my hoodie and skirt off, leaving me in my bikini with the cold winter air running down my arms and legs making goosebumps appear across my otherwise smooth skin.

Her bikini:

Cedric admired you but looked away as he began to blush and took his shirt off, leaving him in his shorts

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Cedric admired you but looked away as he began to blush and took his shirt off, leaving him in his shorts. I cant lie, he was hot.

He turned to me and put out his hand and I took it and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze and then jumped into the water, pulling me with him.

I screamed as my body made contact with the freezing cold water. When we came up to the surface I scrambled around trying to regain composure when I was pulled into a warm body. Cedric held his arms at my waist and I laid mine around his neck to stay up. Without any warning he playfully threw me back in.

My plan was to act mad but I couldn't stay serious when he was smiling goofily at me. We swam around until it was dark and we dried off and put our clothes back on. He noticed I was shivering and wrapped his arms around my shoulders as we walked back to the castle.

When we got there he walked me to the dormitories.

"Today was the most fun I've had in a long time"
I told him happily and honestly

"Same here. You are truly something special elodie pierce"
He looked into my eyes and I looked back into his

He kissed my cheek softly and then hugged me for a minute or two and looked back at me one more time before saying goodnight and then making his way to the hufflepuff common room.

I turned towards a sofa and flopped back onto it, reminiscing the days events.

How can I already like him? Am I being stupid? What about draco? He doesnt want me. Cedric seems to like me?

Oh god elodie what have you got yourself into.

please, dont leave//draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now