the excitement of the first day back

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Blaise called up the stairs

"I'm coming, hold on a second"
I called back at him

'where is it?'  I thought to myself as I searched hopelessly for the my favourite hoodie so that I could pack it.

My first day of my fifth year at Hogwarts school, of which craft and wizardry. I've changed in appearance over the summer, I used to have braces and long blonde hair. I was also very small. I'm not much taller- unfortunately - however my hair is now a warm shade of chocolate brown and I've had my braces removed, making my smile rather straight and clean.

"Hurry up we need to leave!"
Blaise called up at me once again

I ran down the hard wood stairs as quickly as my little legs would carry me, being careful as to not slip and hurt myself out of excitement of seeing my best friend.

I leaped off of the last step and engulfed blaise in a warm hug.

"Its good to see you too, although I did see you yesterday"
He laughed as he stumbled back at the force of my excited hug.

"Sorry! I'm just so excited to be back at school so let's gooooo!"
I exclaimed and opened the door

Blaise and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. My parents- well, that's a long story! They're dead. But that's a story for some other time. I met Blaise because our parents went to school together so we have just been friends our whole lives. Everyone sees Blaise as this rude, guarded person who only cares for himself but hes not! Blaise just has a past like the rest of us and doesnt open up to people easily.

Blaise, his mother and his father all got into their car and I jumped in the back with blaise. I live with my foster mother who doesnt care for or like me, she hates the fact that I'm a witch but she keeps me around for the money she gets from "caring for me".

We headed off to the train station with our trunks in the boot of the car. The whole way there, Blaise and I talked happily about seeing all of our friends and getting back into classes which he wasnt too fond of but I loved.

*at the station*

"Right, you two better find some seats and we will pick you up for Christmas break okay? We love you both and you just write if you need anything!"
Blaises mother spoke kindly and his father nodded in agreement

They hugged us both and we said our goodbyes and then loaded our trunks onto the huge train, made our way through the thick swarm of children and parents, then eventually climbed in the door and made our way to find our friends (who we missed greatly).
Blaise found malfoy and offered for me to sit with them, to which draco gave me a glare in disagreement so I decided to go find hermione.

I flinched at the loud sound of a voice calling my name.. then I realised whose voice it was

I ran to her down the trains carpeted corridor and threw my arms around her as we locked into a tight hug.

"I missed you"
She whispered into the hug gently

"I missed you too"
I whispered back

We released from the hug and went to find harry and ron in a compartment.

We all greeted eachother with hugs, you see- blaise and I got sorted into opposing houses. Hes a slytherin- known to be the evil house- and I'm a gryffindor- known to be the brave, kind house- which sucks because we dont get to see eachother as much however we do have most lessons together so that makes up for the separation during free time.

Lost in conversation, I didnt even feel the train start to move. We talked forever about our summers and how we have been and how much we missed eachother! Soon we would arrive at Hogwarts.

So I hope you enjoy this story, I usually write about jaden hossler but I love Harry Potter movies, books, everything and draco is- well draco so how could I not write a book about him!! Anyways enjoy! Please vote and comment, it really shows that you like the book and motivates me to continue<3

please, dont leave//draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now