a letter

18 4 0

it's now been a month.

not much has changed, draco and I havent spoken at all since that day.
I've still been acting like a baddie but I'm kinda struggling with my mental health if I'm honest with you.

it's the christmas holidays however I have no one to go home to, other than my aunt but shes busy with work, so I'm staying at school. I love it at Hogwarts so it's not a big deal but I'll be alone since my friends are all going home.

The rain falls slowly onto the windows. I love the rain. Its calming and i just love the sound of the small droplets hitting the large stained glass windows. Rain is a sad form of weather. Raindrops are like tears that come from the sky when I feel sad. I've always felt connected to it.

Everyone went home for christmas so I'm sat an empty, cold stairwell, just watching the rain and deep in thought.

I miss my parents. The night they died was the 27th of december, christmas isnt a holiday for me; it's more like a darkness. An empty space of something I long for but cant and dont have. Family. Yeah my aunt is still alive but shes busy, I love her and I miss her but she just doesnt have time for me.

I got out a quill, some ink and some parchment and began to write to her.

Dearest Aunt Julie,

I miss you. I'm sorry I havent written in a while, school has been keeping me busy. I hope you're well.

I miss them. Mum and dad. I'm sure you miss them too. I'm glad we still have eachother but I wish I could see you more often.

Hogwarts is just as I remembered it, homely. I love it here just as much as mother did. She always told me stories about it but never did I think it would be just as brilliant as she said.

I hope your Christmas is a good one, I know you dont get time off of work but please dont overwork yourself! You deserve a break.

I love you. So much.


An owl came and I said

"Auntie julie"

And off it went.

I walked slowly, sadly, with my head down towards the common room and half way there I decided the library was a better place to be. Maybe I'll read for a while to take my mind off of things.

A few hours later the door to the library opened and in walked...

please, dont leave//draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now