Piper's POV

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Piper couldn't believe it, Jason cheated on her with Reyna. Finally climbing onto her bed she sobbed into her pillow. After a few hours the tears stopped. Wiping her face with her sleeve, she got up and changed. She knew exactly what to do next. 

She smiled and kissed the foreheads of all the Aphrodite children, except Drew of course. Piper had dumped out her 20 pounds of makeup, and wished she could stay long enough to see the look on her face. Shaking her head Piper quickly wrote a note and placed it on Lacy's bed. Checking if Katoptris was strapped to her belt, Piper ran into the woods. 

After running a few miles she stopped and leaned against a tree for support. Images of Jason crossed her mind, and thinking about Jason, about Reyna, she started to break down again. Out of Piper's pool of tears rose a man, or at least she thought it was a man. He was wearing a black cloak. The hood covering half his face and covering the bottom half with a shadow. Quickly pulling out Katoptris Piper growled, "Who are you?"

"I am Lord Chaos." said the hooded figure. "I have come to offer you an invitation to join my army."

"Why should I trust you?" asked Piper still holding her dagger.

"Because I help poor souls like you. Look at you, Jason and Reyna, who were thought to be your best friends. Percy and Annabeth, who also lied to you. Why don't you want to join me?" Lord Chaos placing his hand on hers and lowered Katoptris. 

To be honest, it was quite tempting. But Piper wasn't fooled, "If I join you, you must not hurt either camps. Not Camp Half-Blood nor Camp Jupiter."

He laughed, "I will never in my life commit such a terrible act. Chiron is one of my good friends."

Feeling like she could trust this man, Piper nodded. "Lead the way."

Lord Chaos waved his hand and a tunnel appeared in the ground next to him. He walked inside without hesitation, so Piper followed him. After what felt like forever, they arrived at Chaos's guest room. There was a table lit with candles and piled with food. The room was dark and the only light given was from the candles. Handing Piper a LED lantern, Chaos beckoned her with his hand. "I am Lord Chaos." Piper leaned over inspecting the food. A harsh breeze knocked a candle over setting the roasted chicken on fire. 

"GAH" the chicken had found itself in front of the Lord. Sighing, it disappeared with a flick of his hand. "Since I am Lord Chaos, I can bring people back from the dead. Who would you enjoy the company of?"

Piper thought for a moment, there was no one she knew who was dead but she remember the stories that Annabeth told her. "I would like you to bring back Bianca di Angelo, Zoë Nightshade, Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorf, and Luke Castellan."

He grinned, knowing that Piper has chosen the ones he wanted. Drifting, or walking, Piper couldn't tell, into portal covered with mist. He smiled and vanished, on his way to get the beings she requested.

Piper Mclean Commander of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now