Nobody Can Prevent Death

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Jason shook Piper's shoulders. Fear washed over him when he found the arrow. "She's in trouble! We've gotta bring her back!" Frank morphed into a dragon and carried an injured Annabeth and Piper back to the camp. When Jason got back to camp, she was already gone. 

Annabeth was still alive, but barely. Will worked relentlessly as Nico passed him bandages and a can of soda. Jason and Percy burst into the room after running all the way to camp. "Is Piper ok?" Jason panted. 

"And Annabeth?" Percy gasped. 

"Annabeth's fine." Will looked away without answering Jason's question. 

"Is she?" Jason asked again, this time more agitated. 

Will glanced at the floor, "I couldn't save her." Percy stumbled forward upon hearing the news, and Jason's eyes widened. 

"What?" Surprise and shock washed away all his other emotions. 

"She's dead Jason." Nico replied, shuddering. "I could feel it." 

The world started to spin. Jason fell to his knees. Did Aphrodite know about this? So this was how Piper was supposed to save the world. By fighting alongside her friends for the last time. 

Will interrupted his thoughts, "She told me something," Jason stood back up, his eyes giving that pleading look. "She wanted me to tell you to move on." Will said quietly. "Also you should get some sleep, I bet you both are really tired."

"I'm staying with Annabeth." Percy stated flatly.

Nico pushed Jason back to his cabin and forced him onto his bed, not caring that his clothes were covered with sweat and dirt. He slammed the door and locked it, leaving Jason trapped inside until the morning. He didn't try to knock it down, he just laid on his bed and listened. The sounds outside seemed more fresh to him. 

He heard Chiron announcing solmley that Piper was killed. He could hear Hazel break down, and Leo screaming. A few seconds of silence passed, and a huge "BOOM!" rattled his windows. The shouting and sobs let Jason infer that Leo had blown something up. 

"Why don't we just bring her back with the golden fleece?" someone shouted. It took Jason a while to realize it was Drew, she may have hated Piper, but in the end, nothing beats sisterhood. 

He got up and put his ear to the door, and Nico's ghastly voice came, "If we do that, Hades will get mad, and I'm sure none of you want that to happen." And with that, the meeting broke up. Jason sat back on his bed, willing himself to wake up and this entire thing was a dream. He collapsed onto his sheets and quickly fell asleep.

Jason was back on Mount Olympus, watching as the goddess of love beat Hades up. His eyes were wide, witnessing what was before him. Aphrodite was pretty good at punching, Jason noticed. 

She gasped out the words in between the socks to the stomach, "Why... Did... You... Take... My... DAUGHTER?!"

She glared down at Hades, and trust me, you do NOT want the goddess of love to be angry at you. It will eventually come back to bite you in the butt. Hades coughed and clutched his stomach, Jason almost felt bad for the guy.

He looked up weakly to face Aphrodite, her face contorted in rage. "You know, I'm not the one in charge of death, I only watch the dead." 

Aphrodite snatched her dagger from her belt. Jason didn't even notice it was there. Watching closely, the goddess of love began to split, well, more like duplicate. Six images of Aphrodite surrounded Hades, he got up, and cautiously asked, "What are you doing?" 

She laughed, "Ending you of course." The last thing he heard was the howl of pain from Hades, and the dream ended.

Jason awoke and ran outside, not even minding his pajamas. He ran into the medical room, and saw her. She was lying in the bed, her eyes half-closed. Jason sat next to the lifeless girl, and held her hand tight. It was cold and empty. Jason buried his face in his arms and started sobbing. It was all his fault, if he had noticed the arrow sooner, if he had stopped it. Anything other than letting Piper die! 

He heard a pitter patter of feet, and Percy patted his back. "It wasn't your fault." he said simply. Jason watched as Percy sat next to Annabeth and patted her arm gently. Her eyes fluttered. "Annabeth," he said quietly. "Piper didn't make it."

The blond-haired girl jolted up. "WHAT?" and being Athena's daughter, she got it immediately and lay back down, swallowing her emotions. "I'm sorry Jason. But he told me, she'd be back in two years." "Who?" Jason and Percy asked excitedly, but Annabeth was already asleep. A new found joy erupted inside Jason. Piper wasn't dead, and she'd be comin back. 

Look, I know Piper's body is literally right next to them, so please don't complain..


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