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Hello people! This is ma first fanfic so don't judge. Hope you enjoy! 

Piper's POV

Piper sat on the roof of her cabin letting the wind ruffle her hair. It was near midnight, and she had just snuck out of the infirmary after a nasty fight with a hellhound. 

She got bored sitting there unable to move only watching Will rush around treating other patients.

 Piper closed her eyes and let her thought wander. She wondered why Jason hadn't visited her. As soon as she thought about Jason, Piper felt the need to visit him. It was the least his girlfriend could do. 

Slipping down the roof, she walked over to his cabin. Peeking through the window she covered her mouth and let out a gasp of horror. 

Sitting on the bed was Jason, kissing Reyna. Anger and shock mingled with her thoughts. Kicking the door open she grabbed the nearest weapon, which was a Zeus mini-figure, and pointed it dangerously at Jason. 

"What are you doing with that girl on your bed?" Piper hissed.


Edit: Check out my other book, A Smile for a Smile! (Also thanks for so many views!!!)

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