The Mystery Girl

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A/N: I've yeeted updating once a month, it's once a week now :)

Jason spilled his thoughts out. Too embarrassed that someone else might hear, he did it quietly, sitting the river's edge. 

It was a beautiful day, not that Jason cared. 

The current started to pick up even as it was a modest stream. Jason didn't notice this however, too engrossed with his own thoughts to pay any attention to his surroundings. 

Then the most idiotic thing happened. 

The water reached out, arms splayed, and grabbed a hold of the blond. Jason struggled as his arms were pinned to his sides and moving is quite the impossible. 

The water arms tossed him into the sky. Jason tried to control the winds to fly, but somehow his power didn't work. 

Jason went 2D right next to the bonfire.

The End.

hahahaha JK did I get ya??       *awkward pause*        yeah, Imma stop being a dumbass

The strides of the river grew more and more confident as Jason turned himself inside out, spilling all his deepest fears and worries. Not that he had many. 

When he glanced up again the river was rushing towards him with such great power, the demigod was knocked off balance. 

Let's just put it simple, he fell into the river. 

His lungs screamed for air as the boy desperately tried to push to the surface. The water just kept growing and growing, Jason felt the remaining air squeezed out of his body and he grew unconscious. 

He didn't remember much, but what he did remember seeing a girl leaning over him, her eyes grave. "I don't think he's breathing lord." 

The voice sounded familiar yet far away, was it Reyna? Hazel? 

He couldn't see who it was either, his sight was too blurry. Jason opened his mouth to speak but no words came out either. 

"That's a shame." a deep voice replied. "I really thought Hera's pawn just might be able to survive nearly drowning in the Styx." 

Wait, he was in the Styx? Since when did that happen? 

The girl responded with an irritated tone, "Would you please just shut up for one minute?" 

The lord grew silent. Jason's brain was fuzzy, which made him kinda stupid to not realize that the girl was ordering the lord around, and he actually listened. 

He could feel himself moving, with an unknown force carrying him. That's when his mind chose to sleep. The last thing Jason felt was sinking deep into a soft bed and pillow, followed by someone gripping his hand. The dreams started. 

He was sitting back in that cursed room smooching Reyna. Although he felt too embarrassed to admit it, he liked the warmth coursing through their bodies. His door burst open to reveal a panting Piper, pointing a minifigure at his head, the drama began. 

I'm just too lazy to restate what happened, so plz don't hate me

 He hadn't had that dream in what felt like forever, instead, it was replaced by Piper's death, each dream getting more and more extreme. 

There was even once Jason woke thinking that he had died. No one was good at telling nightmares from reality, but there was an exception. Percy was that exception. 

You could just walk up to that man, tell him your nightmare, and he just might tell if it was real or dream. It worked like 20% of the time though. 

"Reyna." he muttered, trying to get the girl to calm down after Piper had totally exposed them. 

A sharp pain exploded in his right hand. Jolting up, he rubbed his eyes. 

The girl last night was sitting beside him, her eyes wide with horror. She quickly let go of Jason's hand, turned around and ran to who-knows where. 

That face still seemed familiar, but Jason couldn't quite put his finger on it. Racing after the girl, he caught up. 

The bright sides of being able to fly: you can catch up with anyone no matter his or her speed. 

Her dark eyes widened at the sight of Jason floating next to her, giving her the peace sign. When he looked into the girl's face, his jaw dropped and he stopped flying. 

"Ow!" Getting up and brushing off his clothes, Jason pointed at the pale girl. "Aren't you Leo's girlfriend?"

Why I can't just write a long paragraph for once?? 😩😩

Anyway, THX SO MUCH WE R SO CLOSE TO 1K!!!!!!!

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