Part 10~Enji the Engine

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Silence rang out in the room as Endeavor glared down at his 'son'.

"Hitoshi!" Todoroki ran toward the purple haired teen who was thrown from her side, a prominent hand shaped mark was clear against Shinso's pale skin. "Are you alright?"

Shinso pulled himself off the floor, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm fine."

"You do realise I am both stronger and have a better pain tolerance than you, I would have been fine," Todoroki jokes, lifting up her fingers to flick Shinso lightly on the head.

"Don't ignore me Shoto," Endeavor shouted angrily only he didn't get the response he was wanting.


Turning around, the hall feasted on the new piece of drama unfolding as Inko Midoriya stormed across the room.

"How dare you raise your hand against your own child! I can't believe you, you horrible bastard!" Midoriya pulled her shoe off her foot and wacked Endeavor around the face, surprising both her daughter and godchild.

"Did Auntie Inko just swear?" Bakugo looked terrified, backing away slightly.

"Masuki... is that?"

Masura gave his wife a fearful look while she nodded. "That's him."

"What are you talking about?! Why is Auntie Inko beating up a pro hero?!"

"Well, that's not really our story to tell but it is a good one," Masuki said biting into a sandwich she had picked up from the snack table.

"Mum, please calm down," Midoriya begged, grabbing onto her mum and trying to wrestle her off the pro hero. "Mum!"

"I am not done with him yet!" Mama Midoriya continued to struggle against her daughter's grip. "I can't believe this is the life you left me for!"


Midoriya was in shock which gave her mother plenty of time to shake off her and continue attacking Endeavor when the lights switched off.

What's going on now?!

"Play me a beat girls!"

Dramatic violin music started up leading to the power chord that Oshken played.

"Endeavoooooooooor! You caused my death! Tonight, I enact my revenge!" Oshken swiftly turned into full shadow mode as he rushed forward. He reached out his claws to attack Endeavor.

The shock Mama Midoriya was under let little Midoriya pull her mother off the pro hero and out the way just as Oshken went to impale Endeavor on his shadow claws. Just as Oshken was about to strike, his smoke dispersed and gravity became a thing once again. Oshken fell face first into the floor making him groan. "That hurt."

"Calm yourself, Oshken," Aizawa ordered, walking out with a frown on his face. He blinked as Oshken returned to smoke.

"But he killed me, Sho-sho!"

Of course he did. Anything else someone wants to excuse him of? Bribery? Corruption? Maybe blackmail?

"There are better ways of dealing with this than killing him."

"Mainly with wasabi!" Nezu popped out of Aizawa's scarf with the small packets in his paws.

Oshken smiled up at the mouse bear thing of his own heart, grabbing and packet and turning to look at Endeavor.

"Is anyone following this," Yao-momo asked as she watched the two stalk closer to Endeavor.

Charlie narrowed their eyes before responding. "It appears that the pro hero Endeavor has managed to piss off three people in one. He is transphobic and therefore got angry at Todoroki. Leading him to slap Shinso who jumped in the way. Then it appears that Ms. Midoriya knew Endeavor and was likely dating him before he dumped her which explains why she started to beat him up with a shoe. And to finish it off, Endeavor must have been the one that made Oshken lose control of his Quirk leading to his supposed death."

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