Part 7~Touching the Ceiling

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Taking a deep breath, everyone prepared for the day. They put on their outfit, some of the guys and non binary children pressing their alarms for the binder limit while some of the girls and non binary teens put on their wigs. Everyone chucked on an outfit before finally walking downstairs. Yao-momo, Jiro and Charlie had already prepared breakfast while Iida checked his fellow binder wearing classmates to check they had their timers on.

Everyone ate in silence.

Oshken was floating around them worriedly, unsure if he should say anything. Strangely, it was Bakugo to do something first. He slammed his hands down on the table before pushing himself up. "You're all being fucking idiots, you know that right?!"

"Hey, not cool Bakubro!" Kirishima was quick to get up and grab Bakugo but he only shrugged him off.

"Even if this fucking villain does agree to change you morrons back and by some miracle it works doesn't mean you have to fucking do it! You're all acting as if this is the end of the line for your new found idenities by no one is fucking forcing you shit heads to change!" Bakugo growled as he aggressively walked towards the whiteboard.

"Wait... You want to stay a woman," Mina asked in shock. Out of everyone, Bakugo was not one they would put down as liking their new sex- then again they wouldn't have said Todoroki either but she had embraced it to almost the extent of Aoyama.

"There isn't just two genders." Bakugo aggressively wrote down his name- shocking everyone. He is using the white board! "Now, I'm not fucking changing back, or at least not completely. If anyone else doesn't want to them just fucking stand behind me and let me deal with the teachers!"

Everyone was in shock.

"Bakubro! That's the most amazing thing you've ever done!" Kirishima launched across the room and tackled Bakugo into a hug

"Get off me shitty hair!"

"Bakugo!" Bakugo was swamped by the rest of the Bakusquad, tears in their eyes at Bakugo's rare display of emotion. The class couldn't help but laugh along, all unease from the morning destroyed with one word.


Why did the heroes have to interrupt this sweet moment?

"Heeeey little listeners," Present mic screamed while bursting open the doors.

The mood instantly switches to one of protectiveness. Bakugo stood up, standing in front of Sero while both Midoriya and Todoroki got up, backed by Momo, Jiro and Charlie and of course, their scary class ghost protector.

Present mic jumped back, screaming as if his life depended on it. Aizawa didn't look bothered. "Come on, we should get going before the villain tries to escape."

A single nod echoed around the room as the class as 22 followed their teacher, their little ghost hiding in Kaminari's pocket. The three villains from the attack where tied up in the hall.

"Bet you I could reach the ceiling," one announced from their chair.

"No you couldn't. It's too high, even for you," a different person said.

"You bet!"

"Yeah I bet!"

"Both of you are idiots," the last one grumbled in the announcement.


Aizawa pulled open the door, making the three villains look up. Kebi was in a slightly less formal suit than last time, consisting of a light blue collar shirt and grey trousers along with a pair of black shoes. Lezy was in the middle of the three. She was wearing a simple short red dress with black tights, white boots and a white cardigan. Then there was Zan, who had somehow got out of his bindings and was perched on the back of the fragile chair. They were wearing a black skirt with black tights and a white tied off crop top with a maroon coat hanging over their shoulders. And naturally, the four inch heels they were wearing. The sudden open of the doors seemed to startle them and made them fall backward, hitting the floor.

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