Chapter 28

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Michael nods and runs off to get a wheelchair or someone who's strong. As I'm sat in silence I think about what's going to happen to John, but Washington can help to protect him. He'll be fine. Michael runs back in with Thomas, who has a look of confusion on his features.

"What's going on?" He asks, clearly confused as to why he's been dragged in here.

"Do you think you can take me to Washington?" I ask him, trying to hide the discomfort in my tone.

"Yeah, of course!" He says quickly and proceeds to lift me off of the saddle and carry me bridle style.

"Thomas. You have to listen to me, okay. You HAVE to protect John, please, I can't have Reynolds go near him" I plead whilst gripping onto his shirt.

"Yeah, yeah I'll do what I can. I promise." He says truthfully whilst speeding up.
(ReAlLy SmAlL tImE sKiP)

We reach Da-Washington's cabin and I knock on the door rapidly.

The door swing open and I'm met with a very puzzled Washington, dressed in a random jumper and a some sweatpants.

"Alex, what's going on?" He asks slowly, as though he can't believe what he's seeing- but I can see why.

"Do you think you can take me to the hospital?" I ask with a pained smile on my face, whilst limply gesturing at my ankle. When he looks his face contorts into one of horror and he hastily takes me out of Thomas' arms. I'm like a damn rag doll.

"Martha! We need to go to the hospital!" He shouts quickly and Martha runs out from the bedroom, not asking why but simply taking the keys off of the hooks and running out with George.

"I'm fine, you know. It doesn't even hurt." I lie, but by the way he looks at me I know he can see through it. Ugh, damn Washington and his damn fatherly senses. I love him really though.

"Alexander Hamilton I swear to Lin you are going to stop lying and keep your leg up in the back of the car. I'm not taking no for an answer." He states plainly. Okay then.

He places me in the back and picks my leg up, causing me to bite my lip and a whimper to rise from my throat. Oh shit. He heard that.

He looks up at me and I can see he's thinking 'told you so'.

George gets in the drivers side, as Martha tends to lose her cool when stressed and driving is not the best time to lose your cool, and he speeds off down the road to the hospital.
(AnOtHeR tImE sKiP)

We are sat in the waiting room, me in a wheelchair, when the doctor calls my name. Da-Washington stands and pushes me into the room whilst Martha shakes the doctors hand.

"I am doctor Bailey and this is Doctor Stevens. What can we help you with today?" The short woman asks, whilst the tall blond one, who I now know is Doctor Stevens, helps me onto the examination bed. Before anyone can speak Doctor Bailey scans my body with her eyes, landing on my ankle.

"Holy mother of- Stevens page Shepherd, oh and page Kallie whilst you're at it." She says hurriedly but confidently. Cool woman. (Hell Yeah She is. Plus if you know where she's from, can we please be friends?)

A few minutes later a guy with mid length hair and a woman with dark brown curls run into the room, both stopping as they see my ankle.

(I know Shepherd is a neurosurgeon but I just wanted him to be in here so now he's gonna be ortho 🤷‍♀️)

"Meet Alexander Hamilton. He's pretty much yours now, I'll be checking in anyways but Montgomery wants me down in OR 1." She says to both of them before leaving the room.

"Okay, Mr Hamilton- I'm assuming these are your parents?" 'Kallie' asks whilst Shepherd approaches the end of the bed. I nod my head, and Shepherd picks up my ankle causing me to hiss in pain. He starts to move it slightly and I let out a sob, trying my best not to move away from him.

"We definitely need an X-Ray and possibly an OR." He says to 'Kallie', and she nods in agreement.

"Okay, we'll get one of our interns to take you down to X-ray and we'll be back to discuss the results." Shepherd informs me, before gesturing for Doctor Stevens to approach. The rest of them leave the room and soon it's just me, Washington, Martha and Doctor Stevens.

"I'm Doctor Izzy Stevens, but you can just call me Izzy, I'll be the one taking you for your X-ray." She says, whispering slightly when telling us to call her by her first name. I like her.

"If I can get you to sit in the wheelchair it would be a big help." She says whilst reading through the sheet with all of my details on. I push my arms up and attempt to move off of he bed but a sharp pain shoots from my ankle causing me to fall back on to the bed again. My face contorts to one of pain and Da-Washington rushes forward to help me. He hooks his arms under my knees and one around my back, gently placing me in the wheelchair. Izzy takes the brakes off and starts pushing me out of the door. I quickly wave goodbye to Martha and George.
IZZY'S POV (wow look, that's new)

Alexander climbed onto the X-Ray table, the machine whirring above him. He kinda reminds me of Denny. To those of you who don't know who Denny was... he was my love. He died though, heart issues.


"Okay, I'm gonna take the images now so stay very still Alex." I command through the speaker. I can see him shaking slightly from here, guess he doesn't like hospitals, poor kid. I quickly take the images and head back in to help him into the wheelchair.

I push him back to his room to be greeted by his parents and Doctor Shepherd talking. Weird, they must know each other.

"Oh, Derek, we heard you ended things with Addison. How are you two? Do you two still speak?" The woman (Martha I think her name is) asked maternally.

"Oh yeah, we're still pretty good friends, we ended things well and we still speak a lot. She is here after all."

"She's here? In this hospital?" George asks interestedly. Derek nods his head and smiles.

"If she ever gets a minute tell her to come up! We haven't seen her in... what- 3 maybe 4 years?" Martha requests happily, what a lovely woman.

"Of course I will, Martha." Derek chuckles.

"Sorry to break up the conversation but I have someone you may want back" I joke, earning a hearty chuckle out of George and a small giggle out of Alex. I push the wheelchair into the room and watch George help Alex into bed.

After a while Doctor Shepherd and Kallie walk back into the room, a look of displeasure on their faces. Once they've entered and greeted us they begin:

"We've looked at the results and we're afraid it's severely broken. But, the bone has been damaged so much that we will have to take you into surgery."

Well fuck.

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