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Basically, Michael broke up with Mia for me and she became very depressed. I hated him for that because we had become such good friends over time.

Mia was going to commit suicide, and it seems dumb but my brother Jakob had done the same thing.

After saving Mia, I promised that I would get revenge on Michael and make him want to kill himself like Mia wanted to.

That consisted of me pretending to date him and yeah. For a while i started to like him but I snapped out of it.

Micheal's POV
Calum was meeting up with Rian at the park to talk to her. We realized this plan would be so much easier if we just called the cops, but we had to do it somewhere she would never guess because she probably kept tabs on us, to make sure we didn't.

I went to my dads house earlier that day, and called from their, since she's never met my dad. It was Taryn's idea to do it, since she is the smartest one of us.

We arrived at the park we were meeting at and everyone but Calum hid. He sat on a swing and waited for Rian to show up. I hoped the plan goes well, considering Calum is a pussy and Rian can be really scary.

"Hey Rian, I just wanted to talk to you about Emma. I think she's going to break up with me soon." Calum faked, his eyes filled with sorrow as Rian approached.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Why don't you tell me what's going on between you two."

I was suddenly glad that we were having the police sneak up on them because when she turned around to face Calum, I saw a glimpse of what seemed to be a pocket knife.

At the current moment I was hiding in a bush with Luke while everyone else hid somewhere else.

The other day I had finally talked to Luke and told him everything that happened to Rian and I apologized for fucking his sister and Taryn, even though I wasn't sorry.

"Ok, they should be coming in three, two, one." I whispered, holding up my fingers so everyone could see.

"Put your hands up where I can see them." A group of police burst into the park, but oddly Rian didn't seem surprised.

"Ha," she laughed, "you thought you could trick me? I knew this was going to happen." She suddenly pulls out the pocket knife and puts it up to Calum's neck.

"Put the weapon down now!" The group of men yelled.

Out of nowhere, right when Rian was going to cut Calum, a figure ran out and tackled Rian.

I soon learned it was Mia, the blond streak in her hair telling it all.

She finally got Rian on the ground, straddling her waist so she had the advantage.

"I am sick of this bullshit, with you trying to kill people! I only pretended to be your friend so that you wouldn't hurt me!" Mia yelled between punches, before the cops pulled her off Rian.

They hand cuffed Rian as the ambulance showed up as well as the fire station. The took are of Calum and Mia, and the rest of us came out of the bushes to make sure they were ok.

"That was really brave of you Mia." Calum commented as the doctors rubbed alcohol on his neck.

"Well, what can I say. Rian deserves it. She was a complete bitch."

After everyone was taken care of, we all sat down in the grass and talked. We didn't want to for home to our parents, just in case they found out about this.

"You know, I never thought some dumb contract would end us where we are now. I lost my beautiful girlfriend, and someone who I thought was my best friend. I lost my virginity and I've lost the band because of it." Luke spoke out, everyone nodding their head in agreement.

"Then why don't we tear it up and start all our relationships fresh and new?" Taryn offered, obviously wanting to get back together with Luke.

"Yes, we should." We all agreed.

"Do you ever want to wash away?" I asked randomly.

"What do you mean?" Ashton asked.

"Well, sometimes life is just so tough. I know that I've never talk about it but I have been really depressed lately and I don't know. I thought I loved Rian but I guess not." I mumbled, looking down at the green grass.

"Hey buddy, were always here. I mean we love you and besides we can always start the band again to keep your mind of everything." Calum mentioned. I thought that was a good idea, I missed playing with the guys.

"You guys would do that?" My eyes widened with excitement.

"Well yea, as long as no one shoots me again." Luke points towards Mia since it was now obvious that it was either her or Rian.

"Ok, I'm sorry I just have really bad aim. It was suppose to be for Michael!" She giggles, and we all laughed with her.

I faked being hurt as they all laughed, but laughed even harder when Luke commented,

"Well aim is Mia backwards so shouldn't you have good aim?" It felt like we were the only people on earth as we died in laughter.

"You guys wanna grab some ice cream?" I asked, after we settled down.

"Sure." Everyone commented and we all got up and started walking.

Everyone seemed to be happy and I was as well. Sure I was single but I had real love instead of fake.

When we arrived at the ice cream parlor, we went up to the choices.

"Hey look Michael," Olivia shouted at me, "there's a flavor called Wash Away and it's blue like water!"

I was kind of happy because there was a flavor that related to my life. It was really stupid, but I got a whole tub of it just because.

I think that whole day described my life. Life is filled with ups and down and everyone's going to get hurt in someway. Your issues cans cause problems for others in your life but the true friends stay. They hold you up be stay with you, even if you want to wash away. And the best part is, you will always find something that relates to you and tells you that you're not alone and in this case, it was a tub of ice cream.

That probably didn't make sense, but that's the thing. It made sense to me and that's all that matters.

"Hey Michael?" Mia waved her hand in my face, trying to get my attention.

"Yea?" I snapped out of my thoughts quickly.

"You're a really good friend." She said, and that caught me by surprised because I wasn't really a good friend.

"What makes you say that?" I confusingly questioned.

"Even when you wanted to wash away in the ocean, you stayed on the shore."

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