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Michaels POV

When I opened the door and saw my sister Tanya making out with my best friend Ashton I was beyond pissed.

"Ashton, you know she was not in the contract you can't do that with her!" I yelled at him after I took him out into the hallway.

"Just because she isn't in the co tract doesn't mean I can't like her! She isn't dating anyone so I can!"

"Well I'm telling you no! First off she's my sister and she's 14 do you know how disgusting that is?"

Ashton's eyes traveled around the room thinking before he said the words I never wanted to hear.

"You let me do whatever with your sister, or I tell your current girlfriend about the deal? Got it?" He left my house and didn't come back.

I walked into school after parking my car and went to my locker, usually where everyone gathered around before home room.

I pushed my way through my friends, deciding I was pissed at them and didn't want to talk to them.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Luke yelled as I shoved him out of my way. His arm was slung around Taryn's shoulder and he nearly fell on her. He shoved me back but I barely budged knowing I had it coming.

I just rolled my eyes and opened my locker, slung my bag in there and grabbed my English books. My feet started to walk away from the group before Calum stopped me.

"Hey where you going? We have 15 minutes until home room!"

"Away from your guys bullshit!" I yelled down the hallway not caring who I bumped in to.

I actually did care because when I turned around my body slammed into someone, who happened to be a girl.

"Sorry." I mumbled, helping the unknown brunette up.

"It's fine, I wasn't really paying attention either." I looked down at the very short girl, for my blue green eyes to connect with her brown.

"Mia?" I asked suddenly recognizing her.

She looked up at me and rolled her eyes. "Michael I've been going to this school since Kindergarten hell yeah it's me."

"Oh, I guess after we broke up I totally forgot you existed." I sort of chuckled.

"Oh, this is everything a girl wants to hear." She sarcastically said before pushing past me and walking to her class I assume.

I just continued walking and went to my class. When I entered the class my current girlfriend Rian was standing in there talking to Mr.Herrick, the English teacher.

She looked up at me as she talked and suddenly stopped. Rian rolled her eyes and said something to the teacher before skidding beside me and walking out. My eyes traveled behind her as she walked.

"Rian, wait come back here!" I called after her before she got to far away.

She turned around and looked at me. "Sorry, I think if I start talking you will insult me or something and I'm not in the mood."
I made my way to the outside of the school, reaching our designated table. It was a big fight to get tables outside but now that we've been claiming it for the past 3 years, people fear sitting here.

I waited for the others to come before I got my lunch so other people wouldn't try and take the table, like a previous event that once took place.

Luke got there first, but by himself, usually he had Taryn or Olivia with him. I looked up at him to see he had blood shot eyes and you could tell he had been crying. I assume the only reason he came outside because there were little people who would see him.

"What happened man, are you ok?" I asked him concerned.

"I hate you so much." He said quietly, like it was no big deal. "I hate you so fucking much." He leaned over and cried into his hands. His feet clicked the top of the table.

"Dude what are you going on about?" I slightly laughed thinking it was some sort of joke, but Luke obviously didn't as he continued to cry.

"She broke up with me. She left class and yelled at me and told me she couldn't take it!" He screamed into his arm.

"Wait are you serious? Taryn broke up with you?" That was news to my ears, because I never thought such a power couple like them would break up.

"Yeah! And it's because your fucking contract. She couldn't take me having other girls that weren't her, and I have only made out with Emma twice and that was at the beginning of this year. I can't go on like this anymore mate, I don't think I can handle it." He stated before running off leaving school.

What did he mean he couldn't take it? What did he plan on doing?

I knew after hearing that I needed to go chase him because knowing of his past, he could do something crazy.
Only the guys showed up at lunch, the girls probably comforting Taryn. I told them about what Luke said and we all hopped into my gold mini van and drove to his house.

When we got there. He was laying face down in the grass in his front yard.

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