Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Storm's POV

Nashi, Rose and the others left a little while ago. Gale and I are just waiting for our dads to be ready to leave. Gale was reading a book as always. Our dads were sitting at the bar just drinking and talking. I was just staring off into space.

"What you thinking about?" Gale asked me putting his book down

"Nothing much." I replied

"I highly doubt that. I bet you were thinking about Nashi." he said to with a smug look on his face

"What! No, I wasn't thinking about her. I was thinking about something else." I said to him but I could feel the heat rise up to me cheeks

"You know I love Nashi as a sister, right?" he asked me

"Yea, I know." I responded back and I could feel the heat slowly cool down from my cheeks

"Good. Because I don't care if you're my friend, if you hurt her, I WILL hurt you back 10 times harder than you hurt her.

"Good to know." I said a little scared. "But even if I did like her it's not like she's going to like me back, we're just friends and nothing more." I said again a little more sad this time

"You're an idiot, you know that?!" Gale said to me

Before I could ask why he said that we we're interrupted by our dad's walking up to us

"Ok boys it's time to go." my dad said

"Ok." I replied then Gale, my dad, his dad and I left the guild.

"Sooo. What's the future like." Gajeel asked curiously

"It's fine I guess, it isn't that different from now. Well except for the part where none of our parents being together and having kids part." Gale replied nonchalantly

"So are you the only one out of your friends that is an only child?" Gray asked Gale

"No. My girlfriend Nova is also an only child but I consider Nashi like a little sister so I never really felt like an only child." Gale replied

Gale's POV

"Why do you consider her a sister?" my dad asked me

"Well since mom and aunt Lucy are best friends Nashi and her brother Luke would come over all the time and we'd always have sleepovers, so we just became close over time."

"Now that I think about it you used to never share anything when we were younger but then all of a sudden you started sharing things with Nashi and eventually started sharing with everyone else. Why was that?" Storm asked me

"Well Stormy that's for me to know and for you to never find out." I said as I smiled and continued to walk away. Then we all continued our way to our dad's houses.

--------------------------------Flashback (12 years ago)------------------------------

I was playing with my toy train when my mom walked in

"Gale, honey, guess who came to play with you!" my mom said very cheerfully

"Who?" I asked but before she could reply I was attacked with a hug and all I saw before I hit the ground was a pink blurr.

"GALE!!" Nashi yelled still hugging me

"Hi Nashi." I said a little mad and annoyed at the annoying little five year old and then Luke helped pry her off me

"Aww you 3 are too cute. Well I'll leave you guys alone to play. Tell me when you guys get hungry and I'll bring you guys a snack. Bye." My mom said then left the room

"COOL GALE! You got the new train station set. Can I play with it for a while?" Luke asked eagerly

"No." I said nonchalantly

"Why not?" he asked sadly this time

"Because no one is allowed to play with my toys except me." I said to him

"What! No fair. I always let you play with my toys at my house." He said whiningly

"That's because I'm older than you and you have to do what I say." I said with a lot of attitude

"But what am I going to do if I can't play with your toys?" he asked me

"I don't know, go take a nap or something." I told him not looking up from my toy train

"Fine." he said then laid down on my bed

I was playing with my train and making it run over my power ranger action figure when I could feel someone watching me. When I looked up I saw Nashi just watching me play with my toys

"What are you doing?" I asked

"You said we can't play with your toys so I'll just watch you play." Nashi said

"Well fine do whatever you want." I said to her and continued to play with my toys

After playing for like 5 minutes I couldn't stand Nashi just quietly watching me. It gave me the creeps so I finally gave in, I sighed and handed her the toy train.

"What do you want me to do with that?" she asked me as she tilted her head to the side

"Well to play with it of course dummy." I said a little irritated

"Ok!" she yelled happily and took the toy out of my hand and started playing with me

We then played together for another 3 hours before we both fell asleep on the floor.

--------------------------------------End of flashback-----------------------------------

Thanks for reading this chapter and sorry it took so long for me to update. But I hope you all have a good night or day depending when you read this. Bye!

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