Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Skylar's POV

When I woke up, I had a huge headache. I looked around and I wasn't anywhere near the train station. I was in an alleyway. I was really scared because I don't understand what just happened and I felt like crying. I wasn't feeling too well. My head was hurting and my tummy hurt a lot. So I decided that I wanted to go back to the guild and back to my mommy and daddy.

I ran and I ran until I finally reached the guild doors. I opened the doors abruptly causing everyone to look at me. I was standing in the doorway, scanning the room looking for my parents, when I heard my name being called.

"Sky?" What are you doing here? The voice asked me. And when I looked up to see who was talking to me, it was Nashi.

I ran up to her and jumped into her arms and she caught me like she always does. I then nuzzled my head in her neck. She started stroking my head and then I finally let out all the tears I was holding back and started crying.

"Hush. Don't cry Sky. I'm right here. No need for tears. Ok." she said to me in a soothing voice she does whenever I'm scared or sad.

"Ok Nashy" I said to her quietly just loud enough so she could hear me

"Now Sky, can you tell me how you got here and if anyone else came with you?" she asked me

Nashi's POV

"Umm. If I tell you you prowmise you won't get angwy." she said to me in her really adorable voice

(Authors Note: In Skylar's mind she thinks that she talks like everyone else but she talks like a 6 year old.)

"I Promise I won't get angry." I said to her reassuringly

"Uh okay. I fowowed you guys to the twain station and when I got on the twain there was a white wight and then I was outside by myself." she said to me


"You prowmised you won't get angwy." she said, tearing up. She then ran out of my arms and ran to Storm instead

"Stormy! Nashy yelled at me!" she said crying in his arms

"Aw It's ok Sky, I know Nashi can be a big meanie" he said reassuring her

"Storm! You're not helping." I said to him getting angrier

"Ok ok." he said then turned back to Skylar. "You know that Nashi was just worried about you. She just loves you so much she doesn't want you to get hurt, that's why she got angry with you."

"Really?" she asked him and he nodded in response

She then ran back over to me, crying harder and said "Nashi! I'm sowy for scawing you! I just wanted to see you fight a bad guy!"

"Aww It's ok. Only if you promise to never ever do something like that again." I said to her

"I prowmise." she said and gave me a big hug and i hugged her back

"Um sorry to ruin the moment but who is she?" asked my mom

"Is she your daughter or something?" asked my dad

"What no! I'm 16 years old. What made you think she was my daughter?" I said to Natsu

"I don't know you just acted so motherly to her." he said defending himself

"Ha! He's got a point Nash, you treat her like she's your daughter." Gale said looking away from his book and joining the conversation

"Shut up Gale." I said to him coldly. He just laughed and went back to his book.

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