Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Nashi's POV

Rosemary and I were walking towards the guild then finally made it to the door and opened it. When we entered We were scanning the room looking for someone and then found him.

"Big Brother" I yelled at my dad attacking him with a hug

"WHAT" yelled the whole guild

"Since when did you have a sister flame brain?" Gray asked him

"I don't. Or at least I don't think I do." he replied to him

"You didn't tell your friends about me onii-chan, how rude. I thought you loved me." I said to him with fake tears building up in my eyes

"Look! You're going to make your little sister." Gray said to him

"Natsu! How dare you make your sister cry and not tell us about her." Erza said to him holding a sword to his throat

At this moment Rosemary and I couldn't hold in laughter anymore and we started laughing until we got tears in our eyes. We earned stares from everyone in the guild until someone finally asked us a question.

"Who are you guys and why are you guys here." Laxus asked us almost in a threatening way but me and Rose were unfazed since were used to it

"Um well it's kinda a funny story." I said to him

"We need to talk to master Makarov." Rosemary said to him

"He's out of town but Laxus and I are temporarily in charge. So can just tell us." Mira said to us

"Ok. Um, how do I put this? It's kinda funny actually." I said trying to find the right words.

"Were from the future." Rosemary said very bluntly

The guild hall was silently until all at once it was broken

"WHATT!" they yelled in umbelivement

"Surprise." I said sheepishly

"What do you mean you're from the future!" someone yelled at us

Then all of a sudden we were attacked with millions of questions until Rose decided she had enough and stopped the madness

"SHUT UP BEFORE I REMOVE YOUR HEADS FROM YOUR BODIES!!" Rosemary shouted at everyone and then they became silent

"Nashi explain how we got here. I don't feel like answering questions right now." She said to me as she went to sit down at the bar and ask for strawberry cake

"Um ok. Well, Hi my name is Nashi and that over there is my friend Rosemary. Like we said earlier we came here from the future. Here's the funny part: we're actually part of the future generation of Fairy Tail. Or in easier terms were future children of Fairy Tail." I said to them

"Questions?" I asked

Not getting any response from anyone my anxiety started to rise. Everyone in the guild just stared at me. They seemed to forget about Rosemary. Probably because she wasn't talking

"Wait. So you're telling us your parents are someone from the guild." My mom, Lucy asked me

I nodded

"Do you mind telling us who they are?" Mira asked

"Well because neither Rosemary's or my parents are together yet I don't want to say since it might cause trouble." I said to her

"Well then just tell us one parent and not the other one."

"Um ok, I guess that could work. Is that alright with you Rose?" I asked her

She then gave me a thumbs up giving me the alright.

"Well then ok. My name is Nashi Dragneel, daughter of Natsu Dragneel." I said to them with confidence.

Then all you could hear throughout the guild are comments like

"Natsu has a kid?"

"I wonder who the mom is?"

"I bet it's Lucy."

"No it has to be Lisanna."

My dad just stared at me and I couldn't tell what he was thinking so I just gave him his signature grin. He then smiled at me and yelled this at the top of his lungs:


I just smiled at his comment then looked at Rose telling her it's her turn to introduce herself. With that she got up and walked to where I was standing.

"My name is Rosemary. You all can tell who my mom is by my hair so that's why I'm not telling you guys my last name because it would give away my father. Oh and if you still don't know who my mother is, It's Erza." She said to everyone

"You're my daughter?" Ezra asked her and Rosemary nodded to her. She then embraced Rosemary into a hug

Then the guild went to celebrate because they had just found out about me and Rose. So me and Rose decided we wanted to eat some food because we were hungry. As we were eating, we were answering a few questions some people were asking us.

"So how old are you guys?" My mom asked us

"I'm 15 and Nashi is 16." Rosemary responded

"But I'm turning 17 really soon." I added

"Do you have any siblings?" Mira asked

'Yup. Rose and I both have older brothers." I answered

"Actually funny thing, Nashi is my future sister-in-law." Rosemary told her

"Huh? How does that work?" Mira asked

"Yup. Our brothers have a huge crush on each other. But they still won't tell each other because they're both scared of rejection. It's soooo annoying." I said to her

"Aww that's cute. I bet I ship them. Do I?" She asked us

"Yeah but your daughter ships them way more." Rosemary said to her

"I have a daughter?!?!" Mira asked a little shocked

"ROSEMARY! Stop telling them things they shouldn't know!" I yelled at her

"Sorry, sorry. I forgot." she said to me

"Hey um anyone wanna answer my question" Mira asked

"Uh, surprise you have a daughter." I said nervously then did chuckled again nervously

"Really! What's her name!? How old is she!? What kind of magic does she use!? She yelled at me in excitement

"Ok ok." I said as I giggled

"Her name is Nova. She is 18 years old. And I can't tell you what kind of magic she uses because then I'd be revealing her father a.k.a your future husband." I said to her

She then was just smiling like a crazy idiot and was whispering something under her breath.

"So does that mean more of us have kids?" Aunt Levy asked us

Before I could answer her question I was interrupted by the guild opening then hearing someone yell my name and rush towards me

"NASHLYNN LAYLA HEARTFILIA DRAGNEEL!!!" A raven haired boy yelled at me

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