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After months of begging his father, Max was finally hired to work at his father's french restaurant, It wasn't quite owned by his father anymore.. he sold it off to a very wealthy man but he still has ownership of the restaurant.
Max woke up startled by his alarm clock, it had been going off for an hour by the seems of it. He slammed the snooze button and was going to try and go back to sleep but then he remembered why an alarm was going off in the first place, it was his first shift at the restaurant, it was called
Old Paris Cafe even though it was definitely a restaurant. He checked the time again as it didn't seem to register in his brain. "Fuck I'm late!" He Yelled (more like  screamed) , Max ran around his house like a mad man looking for his work clothes and everything. It took him 10 minutes to get dressed and brush his hair, as he was walking out the door he stopped and huffed "this is the most exercise I've done in my whole entire life"

Max literally ran into the doors of the restaurant huffing and puffing, practically wheezing.
"I'm really not fit for this lifestyle oh my fucking god" he mumbled to himself and ignored the glances he was getting from customers.
"Um excuse me, why are you late for your fucking shift? I should kill you already" A very tall man with slicked back Black hair with a hint of red,  in an all-black suit snickered at Max, obviously waiting for an answer.
"Oh my god I am so sorry sir, I slept in! I promise you it won't happen agai-" Max got cut off by laughter. another man, who he recognized as Kyle, walked up to them and couldn't stop laughing "you really think he'd fire the Grovers son? Nah dude, you guys are the reason why this awesome place is here" Kyle rambled on, finishing his laughter half way through his sentence.
The man who was directly infront of Max, just stared at him. "I'll show you where you'll be working for today, it's nice to meet you. I am Valentino Rose." He Glared at Max, still emotionless looking and stone cold.
He just nodded and Valentino started to walk towards the kitchen area, Max decided it was best if he followed him of course, he didn't want to get fired on the first day. Even if he was a Grover, his father could very well fire him and he's certain if he messed one thing up, Valentino would not only fire him, but murder him. He has that vibe to him.
After a minute or two of walking to the Kitchen in silence, they made it. Valentino opened the curtains of the Kitchen are and greeted a bunch of men who weren't dressed like they were about to cook a french meal of some sort. They were all sitting down on crates, some kind of weapon in their hand. One man who was bald, had a venomous snake in his hand. Max doesn't know how that man isn't dead by holding that thing let alone own one of those creatures.
Max didn't know what was going on back here, he was terrified but hopefully didn't let it be seen.
"Max, I need you to serve the table at the back, on the left. Hand them this menu, it has their drugs in it and be careful with it. They dont want it broken" Valentino explained with a slightly bored expression on his face.

"I was told I was actually working for the restaurant not the mafia side. What the fuck" Max obviously shit scared, spoke. He was scared of the reply he would get so he walked out of the Kitchen, menu in hand and went to the table he was told to go to.
"Hi there i'm Max, I'll be taking your ord-" he got cut off as the much bigger man growled "just hand me the menu and beat it kid. I don't have time for your shit"
Max handed the menu over to the man and he snatched it. Max decided it was best if he just walked away from the table so he did.
Valentino would stay seated at the bar, patting a seat next to him motioning Max to come to him and sit down.
Max did just that and immediately thought that he was about to die, I mean who walks away from the Mafia boss and not let him finish speaking? A mad man.

Finally, Valentino spoke.
"I'm not mad at you, you know kid. I'm amused and impressed that you have the courage to just walk away from someone like me. You got guts, kid. I must say"
"Yeah I don't know about that, i really didn't think I'd be ya know,, delivering drugs to randoms at my dad's restaurant. Not really my thing" Max tried explaining his situation the best he could without sounding rude or like an absolute fool.
"Hmm, I guess I will get you to actually serve the restaurant side. The guys won't be always in the kitchen by the way so you can calm down about that. There's really not much I have to say to you, don't get in my way and I won't kill you." He said once again, emotionless looking.
Max nodded, picked up the notepad and pen that was on the countertop directly infront of him and got to work
At the end of his shift, it was about 6.20 pm and he was exhausted
He had sweat stains everywhere and his eyes were droopy.
Kyle walked up to Max and put a hand on his shoulder, "you did good kid, I'm surprised you convinced Valentino to let you actually do work and not the mafia side. He doesn't do that for anyone really " He gave a toothy grin.
"I guess I'm just lucky" Max laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.

Max took the long way home from work, passing through a forest. This forest  was his happy place other than his very own bedroom.
When he arrived home, his father was sitting on the couch waiting for him. As soon as he went to open his mouth to talk to his father, his father spoke up. "How was work? Did you get fired? Did you give him attitude like you give me? Did you have to deliver the products or did you actually serve people?"
Max huffed and continued walking up the stairs "goodnight dad love you" he shouted as he reached the top of the stairs. His father cursed but replied with an 'i love you too"

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