chapter two

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Chapter 2

"Oh yes because you're so perfect aren't you?" mum screamed.

"That's rich Mrs I need everything so perfectly clean all the time. For once in your life just relax a bit Sharon!" Jerry shouted in reply.

"Hey I'm home mum." I shouted from the front door. All I could here was shouting as soon as I put the key to the front door.

"Mum I'm back. Jerry I'm home now, no need to worry, you can call the search team, I'm okay! Do you know what, I'll just go upsatirs my self, save you guys any trouble. " I joked, but they didn't even hear me.

"OH GREAT JERRY YOU'VE WOKEN THE BABY! THANKS, THANKS A LOT. I GUESS I WILL BE THE ONE TO GO AND SEE IF SHE'S OKAY THEN? YOU NEVER BOTHER." Mum shouted at jerry. I doubted it was jerry that woke up my little sister savannah, mums the shouty one. 

"I do look after the baby!" Jerry said angrily. Even though I wasn't in the living room I could feel the tension.

"I'll get savannah then...again!" I muttered as I put my bag on the floor and stomped upstairs. Savannah's room was (lucky me) right next to mine, the only bedrooms on the third floor. As I entered Savannah's room a wave of colour and paint fumes hit me in the face. The room had been painted in a vile, bright, florescent yellow. There was also a dash of lime green, but only half the room was painted green, and in the far corner of the room a pot of paint was tipped on its side, bleeding paint into the carpet. The only thing recognisable was the cot, pale blue with high posts. But savannah wasn't in her cot like usual. I followed the crying sound into my room, were a tired, snotty and crying little savannah sat on my bed.

"Savannah! How's my little angel?" I picked up my soggy little sister and propped her on my knee.

"Icky" Savannah giggled. The only words savannah could say were icky (Izzy) and nana (banana).

"Would savannah like a story?"  I picked up savannah's favourite story book, 'the whale and the snail'. I started to read to her, but immediately little savannah fell asleep. I picked her up and carried her into her room. I didn't think savannah sleeping in her room was a possibility. The paint fumes were still in the air and there were paint smudges over her cot. I carried her back into my room and lay her on the bed. I stripped her of her soggy dress and into her pyjama's.  With savannah finally asleep and dry, I climbed the stairs down to the bathroom.

I stopped to look in the mirror on the bathroom wall. My mousey brown hair was plaited but still extremely knotted. I looked very tired, with big bags under my eyes. My blue top was damp from savannah's tears and my fingers were chewed down.

"Don't just think that everything is gonna be okay again, because it won't be!" mum shouted. I rushed into my bedroom. Lucky little Savannah was sound asleep, her golden hair in little ringlets around her face. I turned the light off and climbed into bed next to my soggy sister. It was quite uncomfortable, as savannah takes up more bed than I thought, and I still had my clothes on, which wear digging into me. I tried to close my eyes, but the constant screaming downstairs were keeping me awake.

I don't know what time it was that I finally got to sleep but the sun started to stream through the curtains, and I could hear cars in the distance.



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