Chapter Thirteen. This is my melody.

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The first couple of days back home without Lily were incredibly quiet, I wasn't worried one bit that mom would take good care of her, but it seemed awkward that she was taking in her ex's daughter. If anything, everyone always said she looked almost as if she was my own daughter so that only made me feel even more awkward about the whole thing.

"Hey, it's so weird now...I'm able to walk around the house naked again..." Tom emerged from the hall into the kitchen where I was talking on the phone with Miriam, my manager.

I turned around to see all of Tom's naked glory, I seriously never wanted to laugh harder in my life than whenever he acted like that, though it might seem offensive to others, I found it funny and I knew that this was the reason why he didn't hold himself back. That and having Lily gone.

"Yes Miriam, I will go there, thank you. Goodbye." I hung up and put the phone inside my jeans' back pocket. "What are you doing, Mr?"

"This is free Willy, what does it look like?" He grabbed a cup from the cupboard and gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"It looks like you seriously need a tan." I joked.

"Yes, because little Miss perfect doesn't have any tan lines, right?" He mocked me. "Except for those in her..."

"Guys, don't be naked!" Bill had just opened the door.

"Too late, she's a beast Bill!" Tom wasn't disturbed to see his brother enter the kitchen holding Pumba's leash.

"Oh God, put something on, do you mind? I just had breakfast..." Bill joked.

"I don't mean to be rude or weird but...aren't you identical twins?" I said slowly, regretting saying it the second it was said. Bill and Tom looked at me, both of them had a similar shocked expression in their face, Bill blinked a couple of times before murmuring he was going to see Bora, because she was a fat little dog now, her puppies making her that way. "Was it something I said?" I turned to Tom; he was still deep in thought with that shocked expression plastered on his face.

"Do you think about it constantly?" He put the coffee away. I tilted my head to the side sitting on the kitchen island.

"Not really, it just occurred to me now..." I admitted. "I was playing with Bill, don't worry." I finished my breakfast and put everything in the dish washer while Tom went to get dressed.

Bill was excitedly playing with the dogs outside, so I went out too and sat down on the grass, only Scotty noticed I was there, the other two dogs were happily throwing themselves at Bill as he tossed the toys away for them to go get them; Bora was the slowest, she didn't even try to run but she still tried to lick Bill's face.

"Oh, she's so cute!" He played with her front paws as Pumba went to get his toy. I was busy scratching the back of the biggest dog's ear. "When is she having the puppies?"

"Patience young grasshopper... I have no idea. The vet said it might be next week, but I kinda think she won't hold anymore...she's already so big!"

"Yeah, maybe she'll just pop." Bill looked at me, a big teasing smile spread across his face. I pouted back at him. "I see you two are like children, but seriously, I thought being married and all my brother would grow up."

"Nah, he's a lot less jealous though." I mentioned. Bill nodded.

"Of course, how about you?" I shrugged. 

"I don't worry about it; girls will always look at him like that." I made a face as if admiration overtook me and pushed the dog away lightly as it started to try to fall asleep on my lap. "No, go play! Bill, do you know how to walk the catwalk?"

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