Chapter Eleven. Set us free.

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First of all, thanks for your comments, I think we're getting to that place where you want the story to go to but still I'm saving the playboy card for later, relish the moment because we're building up for something ;) 

Thanks for sticking with me here.

Ale (I am guessing your name's Aleshiita87?), I'm on board with your comment about the real LOVE thing, thought I hadn't really paid attention to it, thanks for pointing it out! I'm making stuff happen!

Forever 21_alone you wait for the playboy!

There was no spell check on this, I AM NOT SORRY! (Maybe a little...)



That night, the guys left early, I was taking my things with me to the same Hotel my mother and her husband were staying, also the same one in which Allison was, I shouldn't stay at the house with the boys because according to tradition it would have been awful luck if Tom saw me on my dress before the wedding and certainly, I knew I would have to go through some madness with my mother, my best friend and my sister the next morning, since I had learned my lesson and I was doing my own makeup along with theirs, except of course for Lily.

I didn't really like to party, so instead of going out like the boys did; we had a nice dinner at the hotel with some of my closest friends which included Heidi and Gustav's wife. It was something extremely small and I preferred it that way, because of the attention that the ring on my finger had caught last month when on a night out Tom and I encountered a few fans of the band. Usually I'd offer to take a picture for them and then they'd thank the guy or guys and leave, but some of them were chatty and I got it, they didn't run into the guys frequently so that time they had noticed the ring and asked about it. Everyone knew by now that we were dating and it was funny for most of their fans, since they were all fully aware that we'd been friends for such a long time, but since the news appeared on the internet that Tom was getting married, there were a few cameras around so the little wedding we had planned was a complete secret and my little dinner was perfect for both the situation and my own personal liking.

Heidi was there with two boxes in her hands and she had given a big smile when she entered the restaurant of the hotel, it had a beautiful big window that allowed us to look at the garden, which was light up by a few small lights scattered around.

"You open this one away from everyone." Heidi said, handing me the smallest box. Her comment from the previous day came to my mind in that moment and I felt the blush creep up to my cheeks. "It's actually something blue. Light blue, so you can wear it tomorrow." She said. "I really couldn't believe it when I got the invitation." We sat down; she was the only one missing.

"I don't think any of us could." Allison said; she was sitting next to Heidi. The one missing here was Ingrid if my memory didn't fail me, but as a conflict rose within me at the moment of making the guests' list I decided out of jealousy that I should not invite people who'd slept with Tom to our wedding, regardless of how long it had been. "Did you put up with the teenage drama?" She asked my older friend.

"Oh, yeah. But there wasn't much going on back then... I can tell you though; I always liked Georg better for Jo." I looked at her with wide eyes, I didn't remember if Allison knew about that little thing. The other three were looking at Heidi as she spoke with that thick accent of hers. For Allison and my mother's sake we were speaking English and sadly I noticed the big difference between my mother and my own accent.

"Georg had a thing for you, that's true!" Simone laughed along with my mom.

"Oh, yes, Gustav's told me about it."

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