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Braids and I  both headed to the cabins we had been staying in. 

"Um, hey, what's your name? I don't mean to be rude but I don't know it." I spoke.

She stopped and turned around, causing me to stop as well.

"My name is Zhenzhen. What's yours?" she said, sticking out her hand.

"I'm River," I said shaking her hand quickly and loosely.

She nodded and turned back around and we continued walking to our cabins.

When we got to the rows of cabins she stopped at the fourth cabin and I continued to my cabin. I kept walking until I was standing in front of a cabin with the gray number 8 nailed to the dirty green door. I grabbed the handle and pushed on the door to open it, but the door wouldn't budge.

Who hears that the world is ending and thinks better lock the cabins?

I sighed and walked around to the side of the cabin. I stopped at the window next to my bunk and took off my backpack. Digging through it I found the pocketknife I took earlier. I used the knife to cut off the window screen so that I could get to the actual window.

I put the knife back in my bag and looked around for a rock. I found a big one and threw it at the window. It bounced back and I had to move so I wouldn't hit my feet. The window had only been cracked so I picked the rock up and threw it again. Again it bounced back. It was cracked even more now.  

Third times the charm right?

I picked the rock up once more and threw it. This time it broke the window. The window broke with a loud shattering noise and the glass fell into the cabin. I moved to the window and used another rock to break off the sharp pieces on the sides and bottom so I wouldn't get cut.

I climbed through carefully so I wouldn't step on the glass or get cut. Once I was in the cabin I grabbed what I thought I'd need and put on a watch and a pair of sunglasses. Then left the cabin, this time though I went out the door.

I didn't see anyone else, so I went to the mess hall to hopefully get a water bottle. Sure I already had mine but having two water bottles could never hurt.

As I was poking around in the kitchen for a water bottle I found a twinkie and a jerky stick. I took them and continued looking for a water bottle. 

After looking for a little longer I found a large, grey, metal water bottle. I went to the sink and filled it up to the top, then stuck it in my bag. I looked at my watch to see the time. I don't know why I don't know what time we decided on twenty minutes, so really I was just wasting time by doing that. 

I left the mess hall and walked over to the storage thing that had the bikes. No one else was there but the bikes still were so at least they didn't leave me, not like they would anyway with how hard they've tried to keep me here.

I sat down on the shed's step and let my thoughts consume me.

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