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We get back to the cafeteria part of the mess hall and hear a crash. Everyone looks over to us then at one another. We rush outside to see a huge metal object.

"What is that?" Dariush asks

"It's a Dragon Capsule," Alex said sounding amazed.

Gabriel went to open it but burned his hand all while Alex was shouting about not touching it because it was 'Still hot from re-entry'.

"Hey do any of you have any water?" Dariush asked.

Braids opened her backpack and handed it to him. He nodded to her as thanks and then drank almost half the bottle. We all collectively rolled our eyes and Gabriel grabbed the bottle away from him and poured the rest of the water on the door handle.

After he tossed the water bottle aside and opened the capsule door we all slowly walked towards it and looked inside of it. All of a sudden a woman burst out of the capsule door or tried to anyway. She got stuck halfway out. We all pulled her out the rest of the way and laid her on the ground.

"Where am I?" the strange lady asked.

"You're at Rim of the World Adventure Camp a few miles away from Big Bear."

"No, I'm supposed to be in Pasadena," we heard as the goo on the side of the capsule started to move, "Get this to Doctor Fielding at JPL!"

The goo started to form a monster.

"Go!" the lady shouted.

"We can't leave you here you'll die." Gabriel tried to reason with her.

"If you stay we'll all die. Now go!"

With that, we all stood up and ran to the mess hall. They stopped in the cafeteria, I ran to the kitchen. I was looking for a place to hide when I heard a loud growl followed by the footsteps of everyone else running in here. Gabriel, Braids, and Alex all hide behind the counters. I hid in a cupboard and Dariush hid by some large shelving units.     

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