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Okay, so I previously said that they're ages were like 23-24, but I have no idea how to write them like that, so for now Annabeth is going to be 21 and Percy 20, his birthday is coming up. Also I changed around a few things in the other chapters, so if you read this before October fifth, 2020, go back and re-read them. Otherwise you should be fine.

Annabeth POV (still August 11th)

We continued on our walk around Picklesville, checking out all the buildings and businesses. I think Percy could tell something was wrong, because he kept glancing at me. 

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Why? Do  I look like somethings wrong?"

"You've been kind of quiet. Ten minutes ago you were ecstatic to be here, looking at all the buildings, pointing out what parts you liked and what you would change. Now you just look at them."

"I'm just- Thinking. That's all." I said

"What are you thinking about?" He asked after a few minutes.

I thought about how to say it for a minute. "What if we didn't move to New Rome permanently?"

"What do you mean?" Percy saw a bench close by and pulled me over to it. "I feel like this is the kind of conversation you have sitting down," he explained. I sat down next to him, setting my hand on his. He interlaced our fingers together, playing with my fingers and engagement ring.

"Okay, so I don't think we should stay in New Rome after I graduate," I looked at the ground. I knew he wanted us to stay there. 

"Why not?" He was surprisingly calm. I thought he would be more upset.

"Well, we both grew up on the east coast, we met there, camp is there, your mom is there. Why would we move across the country? Nothing is there for us except my Father, and that's not saying much." 

Percy was quiet for a couple minutes. "New Rome is safer then New York. You know that. And I think it's a much better way to raise our child." He was getting upset, I could tell. This wasn't our first argument, after all.

"We don't have to go to New York, but I don't-" My breath caught. Great. I was going to cry. "I can't stay there Percy," I whispered. I was in tears at this point. Percy squeezed my hand.

"Hey, hey. We don't have to talk about this right now. Your final year hasn't even started yet. I'm sure we can figure out something." He pulled me into  his arms. I leaned into him. He smelled like the ocean, which probably doesn't sound attractive, or natural, but it was one of my favorite things about him. He wiped the remaining tears from my face. 

After ten minutes or so, I spoke up. "What," my voice cracked, "What if we chose a halfway point?"

I looked up at his face to see his reaction. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Like where, Wise Girl?"

"Have you noticed that not one car has passed on this road since we sat down?" I said. It was completely silent. 

"I- yeah, I suppose? What does that have to do with-" the realization hit him liked a truck. "Oh! do you mean, by any chance, here?" I laughed and leaned upwards, kissing his jaw.

"Now you're getting it!" I could see his blush from my weird position on the bench. I was next to Percy, my back leaning onto his chest. Percy was next to the armrest on the edge of the bench, both his feet on the ground. One of my legs rested on top of his. My curly blonde hair was in a very messy ponytail, especially since Percy likes to play with my hair, getting it tangled and then untangled. 

I reached up and grabbed his chin, tipping his face down so he could kiss me. I turned myself so that I could kiss him easier, (even if we were on a park bench). My stomach growled and Percy pulled away, smiling his crooked grin. 

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