IMPORTANT -- Please Read!

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Holy shit guys! That's the end of book two!

It honestly doesn't seem real. I started this series a little less than two years ago, and now the first book is at more than half a million reads and the second book is already finished and at a hundred thousand! How crazy is that???

Before I get to a quick announcement, I just wanted to say thank you to all the awesome readers who have supported me throughout the writing of these books. All your reads, votes, and lovely supportive comments have made it soooo much easier to keep writing the story, even when I'm dealing with writer's block or just insanely busy. Seriously, love you guys to the moon and back ❤️❤️❤️

Alright, so onto the announcements. First, hopefully some good news for those of you who like this story: I've been thinking a lot about Alexa's story and where I want it to go, and An American at Hogwarts is officially going to be a five book series! I'm literally so excited for some of the stuff I have planned you guys, ugh. It's gonna be fun 😄

In the same line of thought, I am super excited to start writing book three, and I'm going to try to start work on it as soon as possible. However, since I'm currently doing a fic every day of the month in October and I'm also in school, I might not get time to work on it as soon as I want to. The one good thing to come out of quarantine was an insane amount of time to write, which helped me stay on top of book two. I don't have that anymore (which is a good thing in pretty much every way except my writing time), so book three might not be coming out for a little while. Depending on a couple of different things, it could be coming out early next year or else in the spring next year, around the same time this book came out. That one's kind of up in the air, so I'll try to give you guys updates as I they come, but think like February or March.

Finally, one last quick note, I am pretty bad at cover design, and I lucked out of having to make one for book two because one of you guys made a fan cover of An American at Hogwarts. I can definitely figure out how to make a nice cover for book three, so no pressure, but if anybody has some extra time on their hands and they want to make a cover, I am currently accepting submissions for book three 😄 I can't guarantee that I'll use your cover if you send one in, but I thought it might be fun to reach out to you guys for cover ideas before I start trying to make one myself. If you want to send one in, the easiest way would probably be through Tumblr (mine is captainsophiestarkwriting), but if y'all know a better way just let me know. I'm a little bit of a grandma when it comes to technology 😂😂

Anyway, thank you guys again for reading and sticking with this series! I'm happy to hear you guys like it, and I can't wait to show you guys where Alexa's headed next 😄 Love you all so much!!!!


An American at Hogwarts: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now