Chapter Two

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A/N: A layout of the Burrow is included above, if anybody's curious about the floor plan. If you didn't see my announcement, I decided to publish this one two days early so we could get Alexa back in the magical world as soon as possible. All updates from now on will be the regular four days 😄


I slept in as much as I could the next morning. If my first year at Hogwarts was anything to go off of, sleeping in would be a luxury I rarely enjoyed. I wanted to do it one last time before the crazy really picked up.

When I finally got out of bed, I ate an amazing breakfast with my family and just relaxed as much as I could to kill some time. Then, half an hour before I was supposed to leave, I began the lengthy process of saying goodbye to everybody.

I knew I'd see them all again soon, but I was still going to miss them. I got used to spending pretty much every day with these people again, and it was going to be a hard adjustment to be away from them for another three months.

I'm not gonna lie, I started crying a little about halfway through the hugs.

Finally, just as the clock turned to eleven, I hugged Rhodey and finished saying my last goodbye.

"Alright, I'll see you all in a couple months for Thanksgiving," I said, taking a deep breath to compose myself. They all grinned at me and waved as I turned to open a sling portal.

This was my first time casting a portal in front of such a big audience, but I didn't let it bother me. Strange was the judgiest one of the bunch when it came to magic, so if I could pull it off in front of him, everybody else would be a cakewalk.

I closed my eyes and focused on the twins as well as I could. I pictured their red hair, their mischievous smiles, and the sound of their laughs when they pulled off a prank. When I opened my eyes, a glowing circle was open perfectly in front of me. I could see a tall house ahead of me, sitting on top of a grassy hill.

The Burrow, according to Fred and George. Assuming I hadn't seriously messed up my magic.

"Nice work Alexa," said Pepper, giving me a smile as we stepped through the portal with my dad.

"Thanks!" I closed the portal behind us. "Don't ever tell Strange I said this, but his crazy intense teaching methods actually worked."

Pepper laughed, and the three of us walked arm and arm up the path to the front door. I knocked, and not two seconds later the door was flung open and we were met with the beaming faces of Fred and George Weasely.

"Alexa!" they shouted in sync before pulling me into a hug.

"Hey guys!" I laughed. "It's good to see you again!"

"Fred, George, give the girl room to breath!" The twins stepped back and I was greeted by the person who could only be the famous Molly Weasley. She grinned and spread her arms wide, welcoming me into a massive hug. "Alexa, it's so nice to finally meet you!"

I grinned. This woman was already one of my favorite people ever.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Weasley! These are my parents." I gestured to my parents, who stepped forward to greet Mrs. Weasley and the twins.

"Tony Stark."

"Pepper Potts, nice to meet you."

My dad wasn't used to having to introduce himself, and I stifled a laugh as Mrs. Weasley shook both of their hands.

"Congratulation to the two of you! Fred and George were running all over the house yelling when they got Alexa's letter about your wedding."

Pepper leaned into my dad a little, and I smiled. I had sent all of my friends letters that were borderline novels after I found out about the wedding. I was just so excited, I couldn't help it!

An American at Hogwarts: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now