Chapter Fifty-Eight

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to srisrusri3292 who just posted her first story on Wattpad!! Congratulations dude, I already love it and you should be so proud of yourself for posting it!! ❤️❤️


I walked quickly over to Thor and Draco, trying not to look too stressed. I knew this conversation could potentially escalate pretty easily, and I didn't want to get anywhere near that point.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" I asked, joining the conversation and coming to stand next to Thor.

"This classmate of yours was just complimenting my armor!" said Thor, smiling brightly. One glance at Draco's face was enough to tell me the last thing he was trying to do was compliment Thor. "I thanked him, and now I am trying to get to know him better! Your hair is very nice, it looks exactly like mine when I tried to copy my brother's style."

Draco sneered again and I hid a laugh. Draco clearly had no idea how to handle a golden retriever tank grinning at him and being overtly friendly.

"I can't believe we're all being subjected to this, just because everyone thinks you deserve special treatment for no good reason Stark. My father will hear about this."

I was getting ready to deescalate and salvage the tolerable relationship Draco and I had built, but Thor stepped in and did the hard work for me.

"Your father? Is he of some repute?"

"Yes, he is," hissed Draco. "He's very powerful in the wizarding world."

"That's wonderful! I know what it's like to have a powerful father, and I know it can be challenging to maintain family relations in a situation like that. It is very nice that you still tell your father everything, and keep him updated on school and your life. My father and I mostly just yell at each other in argument." Thor laughed heartily, and Draco's sneer was now just confusion and a little bit of panic.

I smiled and moved a little closer to Draco, watching Thor do his thing.

"So, tell me. What does your father do?"

Thor still had a massive grin on his face, waiting patiently for Draco to respond. One glance at Draco showed him just blinking at Thor, clearly not sure what to do. I took that as my cue to lean in and whisper to him.

"You might want to take that as your cue to go to class, unless you want to have a very long, friendly conversation with my Uncle Thor." Draco nodded, and I turned back to Thor. "Hey, I'm sure Draco would love to bond with you over family stuff, but he really has to go to class, or he's gonna be late and maybe get detention."

"Oh! My apologies, Draco, by all means get to class! I'm sure we'll have time to speak more on our families later."

Thor was literally beaming as Draco started speed-walking away without a word. Thor waved as he went, and just before he turned the corner he shot a grateful look over his shoulder at me. I smiled and gave him a small nod.

"He seemed nice!" Thor boomed. I just kept smiling, turning to my ridiculously friendly uncle.

"You are one of the most outgoing people I've ever met," I said.

"Thank you! It's fun to meet all these people you go to school with."

"You know what, this has been a lot of fun for me too," I said. Passing period was coming to an end, and all the students who'd been talking to the Avengers were forced to move on. The hallway was clear, aside from the twenty of us still standing in our loose group. "Alright, well, that was fun, but let's keep walking, shall we?"

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