Bonus Chapter - New York

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A/N: I did a bonus chapter from the New York perspective in the last book, and I decided I wanted to keep the trend in this book. Next normal update will be two days from this one, and then we'll be back on our regular update schedule (every three days). This is just a little bonus perspective we're throwing in for fun 😄


"Nobody panic!"

I called out to the assembled Avengers from the balcony, holding out my hands wide. They were all looking at me like they were on the verge of a group eye roll, but I knew that wouldn't last long once they knew about the letter in my hand.

An owl had flown in this morning, landing in the middle of my workbench. I'd been irritated until I read the letter. It was inviting Alexa's family—meaning me, Pepper, and all the other Avengers—to attend the final task of this crazy tournament she'd been in, and to visit her school.

Everyone was going to lose their minds when I told them.

"I got a letter from Alexa's school this morning, and it said that we all get to go to her school and watch the last task of the Triwizard Tournament!"

As predicted, the room exploded with noise and excitement. Thor was the loudest, but everyone was completely ecstatic at the news.

"Alright alright, hold it down!" I yelled, trying to get them to pay attention again. "It's not that simple! We all get to go, but Alexa will hate us if we embarrass the hell out of her at her school. We need to keep it together."

"I would never embarrass Alexa at her school!" Thor roared, sounding insulted and making my point for me.

"If we're all going to crash her party, we need a good plan. We leave before sunrise on Thursday, so everybody who's not physically in the Tower needs to be here by Wednesday morning. We have a lot to organize, so... Pepper's in charge."

Pepper smiled and stepped forward like the absolute angel she was. With her at the wheel and three full days to plan, this was going to be a cakewalk.


"Alright, everybody get with your buddy!" Pepper called out to the crowd of waiting Avengers. Harley had gotten in from college last night, and T'Challa and Shuri had gotten in from Wakanda the previous morning. Now, all nineteen of us were standing in the middle of the Tower at 2:30am, getting ready to cross the ocean with Strange's sling portal so we could go to a school for wizards.

Our lives were always interesting.

Pepper was my buddy, and she was standing at the front of the group with Strange. I walked towards them, catching snippets of conversation as I went.

"You better keep it together over there. Remember, stay with the group. No charging off. No using your powers," Happy said, giving Thor a stern look.

"Yes, yes, I remember! I will not use my hammer unless it is called for!"

"Nonono, you will not use your hammer period. Period. Do you- Thor-"

I smiled to myself. Happy always managed to rise to the hardest challenges.

"...I"m just saying I'll zip in and zip out, no one will even see me-"

"Piet, I want to explore her school as much as you, but you're not running around away from the group-"

"Actually, I think I will-"

"No, you won't-"

"Mmm I think I will."

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