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I woke up as soon as I hit the surface of the water, eyes fluttering open just in time to see the world disappear in a blur of darkness as cold enveloped me, my wet suit heavy and clinging to my body in ways that made it a struggle to keep my head above the water, limbs thrashing and splashing as I shook my head, trying to take in my surroundings, trying to make my way to shore.

My breaths were shaky as they rattled through my body, lungs burning with cold air as I climbed onto the rocky and snow-covered surface of the ground surrounding the water, the lake, I realized, furrowing my brows and trying to control my shaking body as I took in my surroundings

A layer of white covered the forest as far as the eye could see, ancient trees and woodlands stretching out in every direction, silent as they watched me, the surface of the lake uneasy, rippling, before once again calming.

"Where-?" I began but my question was cut off by the sound of a voice resonating throughout the entire forest through nonexistent speakers at the same moment, my heart sinking as realization set in, eyes widening as Kim Namjoon said, "Welcome to the first of The Trials of The Eight Mountains, dear contestants, and champions! And welcome to Sector 1."

"Moscow," I said, echoing the word as it left the announcer's lips, shakily getting to my feet, my heartbeat involuntarily picking up as I realized what was happening, trying to spot the drones, the cameras, but coming up empty-handed as the thunderous voice of the blue-haired host continued its speech.

"For those of you that are not familiar, this is Losiny Otrov National Park, or Elk Island National Park. Today, as always, you will be competing with each other, although not face-to-face, in the search for a very special key that has been hidden somewhere in the area you each started in. You must find said key and make it back to Moscow's Red Square by The Cathedral of Vasily before the sun sets," Namjon announced, his voice turning eerie as he said, "Because with darkness comes the cold and with the cold comes death. Those of you that don't find the key will not be able to continue the trials and neither will those that don't make it back in time. May The Oracle of Phiri be with you and may The Chosen One be ever victorious."

As the announcement ended with the familiar words of useless encouragement, I felt as if time itself seemed to come to a halt for a couple of seconds, the world falling completely silent as the forest around me seemed to grow in size, in intensity.

I slowly turned around, trying to come to my senses, taking in my white training suit, still not seeing as much as a single drone through I knew that the entire population of Haelan was no doubt watching me intently, nervously.

"The Trials of the Eight Mountains are not games although they may seem like it. People die in there, get sacrifices in there," I mumbled to myself, remembering Wooyoung's words as a sudden wave of anger washed over me.

He had known, I realized, memories of last night tumbling down on me as I recalled how quiet he had become when I mentioned the time we could spend together, the idea that we had time before- I scoffed, he really was worse than Hongjoong, really was worse than the others, "Idiot," I growled, whipping my head back to the lake behind me, "Useless," I seethed, "Moron," I bristled, "Stupid king," I fumed, awfully aware that he was probably watching me, hearing every word, wanting him to hear it when I suddenly flinched as a loud sound echoed throughout the woods, a roar so foreign, so feral that it made my blood run cold.

The task, I reminded myself, the trial. I stuck a foot back in the water, shivering at the cold and hesitating for a moment before taking another step into the lake. "Somewhere in the area you started in," I whispered, repeating Namjoon's words, "Just my luck that I started my day almost drowning," I scoffed.

As I continued taking slow and careful steps into the water, I kept my gaze trained on the forest surrounding the lake, checking, monitoring, making sure that nothing dangerous was watching me as well, that none of the others would barge through those snow-covered trees and eliminate the competition. The competition being me.

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