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Getting into the tight-fitting training outfit had proven more difficult than I had initially expected but after ten aggravating minutes of cursing, huffing, pulling, and stretching, I had finally gotten the small amount of fabric over my hips, pushed my arms through the sleeves, and zipped up the back. As I tried to catch my breath, I took a moment to stared at my reflection in wonder as I stared into one of the many mirrors in my bedroom.

The suit was definitely something; made from a white material that was both flexible and durable, smooth to the touch but also thick, the whole outfit very fitted in a way that almost scared me.

I couldn't help but feel like it had been made especially for me as I let my eyes travel over my body in the mirror, watching how the suit hugged every shape and curve perfectly in a way that seemed both supportive and flattering, an odd choice for battle, and yet.

I looked almost like one of the palace guards, my suit the same cloudy white as their armor, decorated with intricate details and subtle hints of gold here and there.

I shrugged it off, tearing my eyes away from the mirror before making my way out of the bedroom to the railing along the edge of the second floor, looking down at the immense entrance of the room below, lit by warm sun rays that filtered through grand windows as well as the hundreds upon hundreds of flickering candlelights suspended from the ceiling in the beautiful chandelier at the middle of the room.

I hesitated a bit before making my way over to the stairs, sliding my hands along the railing as I went, humming a small tune to myself as I took in as many details of the room a possible, humming a small tune to myself as I reached the first floor, turning to make my way further into the room.

My footsteps we awfully loud in the silence and my hushed voice echoed off the walls as I kept humming to myself, getting closer and closer to the domed window at the very back of the room that I had kept my distance from yesterday, my humming slowly fading with every step before dissipating completely when I was finally able to see the world outside through the glass.

I halted, pressing my hand against the cool surface of the window as my eyes widened in awe at the view I was lucky enough to experience from up here. The very top of the capital as well as all of Haelan itself besides from The Eight Mountains surrounding Martell.

Below me, endless rows of houses with colourful roofs spread out everywhere along with parks, schools, libraries, churches, temples, and, at the very edge of my sight, the crystal clear water running along the borders of the city, glinting in the light from the morning sun, joined by the waterfalls from the mountains as they mixed with the river and drifted on.

It took a while for me to tear my eyes away from the window, slowly pulling away before turning my back to the view in order to explore the rest of my room as well, finding the library and a hidden gallery on the first floor as well as the lounge before making my way upstairs again, suddenly stumbling over the training room, or gym, peaking my head through the door before slipping inside.

The room was unnecessarily big, with one wall covered entirely in floor-to-ceiling windows, another in mirrors the same size, weapons hanging from every empty spot on the remaining two, their silver, gold, copper, and black blades, handles, and tips glinting eerily in the sunlight that streamed through the clear glass.

I slowly made my way over to one of the walls, holding back a gasp as I reached for one of the knives, carefully sliding the tip of my finger against the sharp, cool edge of the weapon in awe at how it both seemed to beckon me forward, to grab it, and to step away at the same time.

I was about to grab it when a sound from somewhere behind me startled me into a jolt, accidentally cutting myself in the process I let out a cry of mixed pain and surprise as I whipped my head around to see King Wooyoung standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest as he studied me.

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