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The streets were bustling with people, Martell looking just as alive and busy as yesterday when I had gone for a walk with King Wooyoung, with buildings in every colour of the rainbow with polished roofs glinting in the light from the midday sun above, cobbled roads, street vendors at every corner, colourful art on the roads and sides of houses, and music drifting along with the breeze that sang in my ears.

King San guided me along with him, pointing out his favourite places and telling me about the capital itself, though the short moment s of silence that clung to us every now and again were just as comforting and relaxing.

I was deep in thought and awe at the different smells, sounds, and impressions until San's eyes suddenly widened and he tightened his grip around my waist before pulling me down an alley that led us into a world of noirs and colors like I had never seen before as we suddenly found ourselves in the middle of a marketplace.

Petals were carried along with the wind, pinks, and yellows, and whites painting the breeze with hues of happiness and summer as it ruffled flowers that were resting in pots and up the buildings and balconies, bringing with it the smell of spices and foreign food.

"Do you want me to pick something for you or do you want to look around and choose something for yourself instead?" the King of Spring asked, making me turn my head to look at his lively green eyes, barely able to contain the smile on my face as I said, "Surprise me."

The king cocked his head slightly, looking almost shocked by my answer, though pleasantly, and returned my smile tenfold as he said, "I know just the thing," and lead me directly into the jungle of shops in front of us, the world turning into a universe of impressions, sound, and foreign languages, the smell of freshly baked bread, roasting meat, and sweets. Colourful blankets, rugs, and scarves covered the clear sky above and enveloped the world of the marketplace in a light shadow of secrets that were just waiting to be uncovered, only lit by flickering candles, oil lamps, and chandeliers of rainbow glass.

We came to a halt in front of a food stall where an elderly woman greeted us kindly as her hands skillfully flew back and forth across the countertop of the small shop, finishing up another order before turning to me with a smile. "Gringas?" she asked, and my eyes widened at the word as I looked up at San with mild panic.

"What did she just call me?" I whispered to which the King of Spring let out a hearty laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners, "No, no," he smiled, "She's just asking you if you would like a gringa."

I furrowed my brows in confusion, still a little unsure as I made a move to stand on my toes in order to look over the counter without much luck. "It's delicious," King San said, paying the woman behind the counter before signing that he wanted two, "It's a flour tortilla filled to the brim with al pastor which is marinated pork and, of course, cheese," he explained, the words making me subconsciously lick my lips as I turned back to the food stall. "Usually there's also pineapple, and people also put onions, chili sauce, and coriander on top but it depends on their preferences."

He had barely finished talking when the elderly woman reached over the counter to hand the king our order, San thanking her before pulling me further into the marketplace and handing me my food, "Eat it like a taco," he said biting into his own as we strolled further down the street along the many different shops.

I had to hold back a moan as flavor flooded my mouth at the first bite, the corners of my lips turning up in a smile as I stared in awe at the tortilla in my hands, "My god," I said, King San simply nodding his head in agreement as he breathed, "I know."

As the day went on, the sun continuing its steady pace across the wide arc of sky between The Eight Mountains, San and I explored the rest of the marketplace, enjoying each other's company as we browsed the different shops and stalls, trying on silly things, laughing until our stomachs hurt, and stuffing ourselves with more of the delicious food.

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