6 • You belong with me

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"I'll go get more drinks from the kitchen, That okay?" Jimin asks softly once they had all settled down.

Jungkook glances wearily at Jimin, awhile ago they had already acknowledged his presence with greetings of their own but he still did not miss how Jimin did not say a single word to him right after the last words of his song.

"Thanks, Minie! There are a few more fruits there, You can cut them up if you want to."

"M'kay." Jimin says with a thumbs up, Jungkook drinks his beer while discreetly eyeing Jimin's form as he walks out of the room and passes by him.

His heart pangs when the other doesn't look at him at all.

He wonders what he could have done wrong this time.

"I'll go help him." Jungkook says after awhile, standing up and running a hand through his hair.

Once he's out of the door the group looks at each other.

"Do you think something's going on with the two of them?"

"I think, Jimin is mad and Jungkook." Taehyung explained, answering Namjoon's question as Jungkook closes the door.

"And I also think that they need to fix it."


Jimin silently picks up a knife and a cutting board and starts to cut up random fruits from the basket. His empty wine glass was on the counter along with others which were waiting to be filled.

He hears soft footsteps approaching him and looks up to see who it was, once he sees Jungkook he returns to his job and does not make any sign of acknowledgement towards the other boy.

"You're really not gonna say anything?"

Jungkook asked, Sighing as he walks towards Jimin.

"I have nothing to say." Jimin said back, feeling spiteful even at the mere thought that Jungkook followed him to the kitchen when he could have clearly talked with the people inside the room.

"You have alot to say, Jimin. You just choose not to. Begin with why you're ignoring me."

Jimin almost shivers at the low tone of his bestfriend's voice.

He was never that serious with Jimin, and he never sounded like he wanted to know about something so bad.

"I wasn't." Jimin replied weakly, tilting his head towards his shoulder in a somewhat shrugging manner.

"You were." Jungkook snapped back.

"You were and you know that. It's been a week Jimin. A whole motherfucking week and you--you don't answer my calls. You avoid me at Campus. You go to school early just so you can avoid seeing me withing the vicinity of our neighborhood. And I just-- I don't fucking understand what's fucking wrong!?"

Jimin lets go of the knife he was holding and it clinks on the marble loudly.

He looks up at Jungkook with anger in his eyes.

"Don't fucking make me look like I was the one who did wrong!"

Jungkook huffed, Balling his hands into fists.

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