27: Fen's a Nicophiliac

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Rocket sits down on the plane next to me, and I know I'm in for a long ride of on-again off-again looking at him, watching him sleep, if he can, and not being able to sleep myself. He's cute in the hoodie and sweatpants, tuckered out on the early morning flight.

He pokes my side, looking up to me. His eyes are soft in the morning light coming in the window and he looks like all he wants to do is get cuddly with me right here. I wouldn't stop him.

"Got anything to listen to?"

"N-, not really." I shake my head.

He gives a little smile. "Good." He hands me an earbud and then dozes off, letting me listen to his music. I keep checking his phone for what the songs are, and from what I've gathered, the playlist starts like this:

Sunlight - Hozier

Francis St. - Kyd the Band

Jetstream - Griffin Stoler

Fresh - Artist Vs Poet

Adrenaline - Zero 9:36

Each one catches me more and more off guard, nothing really matches and I'm looking at him tapping a foot to the beat as he almost sleeps.

Then Nico is leaning over my seat and I'm scared. She pokes Rocket and he groans, looking up at her.

"The fuck do you want?" He was definitely sleeping. I know that voice.

"I want to talk to Yets." She shrugs. "Nothing much, just a chat."

"Great, sit on his lap or some shit. I'm not moving."

"I'm not sitting on his lap." I flush red at her response.

I hear a very groggy Fen from behind me. "No, no sitting on his lap, my girl."

"I wasn't going to, Fen," she ruffles his hair and he blinks a couple times. "Go back to sleep."

"Is Yeti stealing my girl?"

"No, I'm just trying to get Rocket to move."

Rocket groans and stands up, grabbing the seat, then crawling over Fen to where Nico was. The rest of the plane is sleeping or very quietly doing something on their phones. Nobody is talking, which means everyone has their earbuds in. Which makes me a little self conscious about what she might ask me.

I watch Rocket curl back up again in the seat behind me, nodding off instantly.

"Hey." She gives me a once over. "Just wanted to check in on you."

"Why?" I mumble.

"Dunno. Out of the group of us, I feel like I know the least about you." She shrugs. "And you've been here the longest."

"Yeah, I guess."

"So, Rocket managed to clingy his way into getting you to open up, huh."


"Come on, man, you're giving me dead ends."

"Uh huh."

She rolls her eyes at me. "I'm gonna run some stuff past you really quick, just little drills and things."

"You don't have to."

"I know. I just want to know what you'd think if we had one game day a month where we just fucked around and scrimmaged for fun."

"Uh, I mean, I like the idea, but will it be useful?"

"Dunno. You've been on this team the longest."

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