43. If love can me born

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Kaname Kuran

Kaiya stared at Akio. I knew she was telling lies. Come on Kaiya, what would you choose.

'I thought you never would ask me,' she whispered.

'I guess you can leave,' I said to them.

'What about the doctor?' Kaiya asked.

'Oh yah this man,' I said and I stared to the ground. 'It looks like the drugs work good, but he wake up soon.'

'You can leave, we stay till he is a wake.'

'That real kind of you. I have to go.' I said and I walked out the warehouse. Outside I stepped in a black car. The head of the security was also in it.

'Do you want me to search for the children of Kaiya.'

'I don't think that is going to be a pain.' I said and I stared out the window. 'We have done house searching. There were no cribs, baby milk or clothes so it was a big lie.'

'That was all a lie? Even the tears,' the said impressed.

'Yeah, she is good in the stuff she do. You need to know how to play the pureblood game.' I said this but it didn't mean lying. I meant killing other purebloods.

Kaiya Akane

The guards left Akio free and left the room. Akio hugged and his lips touched mine. Before I knew I kissed him back. I closed my eyes and I and enjoined the moment.

'What was that,' I said when his my lips were free.

'It's called a kiss. Two lovers kiss each other if they haven't seen the other for a long time.'

I smiled. 'Two lovers?' I said.

'Yeah,' he looked in my eyes. Before I knew it I kissed him again. I love him. I've loved him, more than my real brother of my family. 'I love you,' I whispered. 'I really really love you.' The tears stream over my check. I saw in the mirror that there were real difference in my acting crying and the real one.

'When I kissed you, I thought that you would hate me. I thought that I was just a brother for you. But do you know that I love you.'

'How long did you love me this way.'

'I guess it started around the puberty, but you have been cute since the first time we met.'

'You have been a cute baby to,' I kissed me. 'What about a marriage?'

'Shall I first a buy a ring? Because I think I will ask you again.'


'I have the feeling you just said yes because we both lied. Now I feel like a lie.'

'I didn't lie!' I said a bit angry.

'We will see,' he said and smiled. At that moment the doctor made some strange sound. He was waking up.

'Are you okay?' I asked him.

'Yes, ' he said. 'What happened.' He looked a bit pale.

'because of Akio I am not allowed to get children and I have to visit the Kurans house once in a half year. But we stay alive.'

'Good deal, boy,' Kaage Toshiro gave him a pat in the back. I rolled with my eyes.

'What is de plan now?' I asked.'

'We are free to go back home,' Akio said. I just realize how romantic the house near the lake was.

'You know where I life or should I move so I can be close to you.'

'No,' I said. 'The house you live in it has to many memories for you.'

'Thank you pureblood Kaiya Akane,' he said and bent. 'Let's leave this place.'

Yuuki Kuran

Months later the baby was born. I held the baby in my hands, while I was washing the blood of it.

'And!' Kaname ran in the room. 'Wow that was a fast birth.'

'You have a daughter,' I said full of love. 'What would be her name?'

'That's not real difficult. Yuuhi it means flower,' I said.

'Yuuhi, that's a beautiful name, where did you get this name.'

'Kaiya choose it for me.'

'Kaiya did?' I said surprise.

'We have to call her again,' he said. 'But I don't want her to be close to Yuuhi.'

'We could invite her for the birth party, than she is not the middle point of our attention and Yuuhi is the middle point of all guest. With so many vampires Kaiya can't do anything We only get here her to find out if she is pregnant.'

'You are right,' I said. I took over the baby and hugged her. He had the beautiful eyes of Yuuki.

'I love you,' I said to the baby.

Kaiya Akane

I lied in bed with my back to Akio. The moon light up the room, because the curtain broke yesterday. I cleaned up the window, and I was too little to reach the top of it. So I stand on a chair. The whole wall was a window and there was a door to the balcony that was connected with the balcony of the living room. Well, I fell of the chair and I grabbed the rod of the curtain, but it broke and fell on my head. Akio ran to the room and guess what he did! He laugh! Well he bought ice cream for me so my head won't hurt anymore. but he laugh! I smiled.

'Where are you think at?' Akio whispered.

'I don't know,' How long was he a wake? He put his left arm around me and kissed my neck. Then his arms went slowly down to me chest. I knew what he was doing, but for the first time I didn't refuse. He opened the first knot of my pajama. I felt his strong arms though my belly and I put off my pajama so I can feel his touch over my whole belly. Lie here in his arms, there is no place in the word I would be happier. I kissed him and hugged. His arms stroked my back and slowly he went to my pants. I lied my head on his chest and waited till his arms arrived. A little shake was flowing over my back and Akio helped me step out of my pants. We both only wore a underpants. This moment in the moonlight was perfect. I stared at him and he at me.

'I love you,' I whispered.

'I love you to,' He said and he kissed me. I let his arms doing what they wanted. One minute later I was totally undressed Akio wasn't because he helped me first. I kissed him and then the phone rang.

'unbelievable,' Akio said angry and he stood up.

'Who call at midnight?' I ask.

'Kaname Kuran,' Akio hissed.

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now