.3. Dreamless night

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Kaiya Kuran

I swam in the sea where the current was much stronger than me. I tried to put my feet on the ground, but I was too small.

"Daddy!" I screamed. "Mommy help me! Kaname! 'Dad stood up and looked me straight in my eyes. Kaname stood also up. I waved with my hands, but that left me still submerging. I drifted further away and dad stood there, doing nothing. "Dad, I'm dying. Help! Daddy do you want me dead! "His eyes said enough. He wanted me dead. He turned around and I went for the last time under water.

With a gasp for air I woke up. Through the window the moon was shining. I lay in my bed, at home. Watching the island princess was a bad idea. Why terminated me live not so lucky, as a lost princess with a prince and parents who were happy to see you. I stood up and walked through the house. I am not allowed to go to the room in the right side of the house. Father forbid it for me, however he goes there every day. I opened the door of my bed room and looked around. No one was there. Then slipped down the hallway. Through the dark building I was looking for the right room. I crept around the house till I found the right door. I found another door inside. The corridor was all dark. I snuck in and kept the rabbit (toy) firmly. I felt with my hand if there was a light switch somewhere. Where was that stupid thing? There had to be something dad does not want me to see it. I held the door open so there is still a little light in the room. I made small steps and that was wrong. I slip and fell down the stone stairs. With a hit I ended up on the ground. I felt so much pain in my leg, but I did not want to cry. The smell of blood make sure all vampires in this house woke up.

"Who's there?" Sounded a girls voice from behind the door.

"I am Kaiya, I fell down the stairs and you?" This was still my home. Whoever was there in the closet? "Yuuki," she said.

"Kaiya what are you doing," Dad sounded furious. He, mom and Kaname stood for the stairs. His face was so severe, as in my dream that I became scared. He grabbed me roughly on. mother and Kaname went inside the room where I heard the girls voice.

"Yuuki's it going?" I heard mom asking. Why she asks her how it goes? I fell down!

Daddy carried me up the stairs. I looked at me leg. It was bleeding, and my head did that to. He threw me on the bed and looked at me wounds. "If you ever find the courage to go down the stairs again. Your life will be very unpleasant."

"Sorry, Dad," I said. "But Daddy, why should I not go there?"

"If I was able to tell you, you were allowed to go there," he said. He licked his hand with my blood. M "Dad," I said. "I dreamed that I was dead, and you liked that." He looked at me shocked.

"How did you die then?" He asked.

"I drowned."

"Then we'll not swim," he said a little relieved.

"I do not swim very though. But you said you liked me to be death. "

"So you could say I killed you." I doubted. I didn't saw it that way. "Tomorrow is an important day. You go to school for the first time. Sleep now. " He threw the blanket over my head and turned off the light. I wonder how much time I had to sleep. Maybe tomorrow I learn in school to understand the time and to read books. And most importantly, I might get a friend!

Haruka Kuran

With trembling hands I shut the door. She is a pureblood vampire? Can they see her fate, death? I walked to the basement. Yuuri had cleaned up the fallen blood. "How is Kaiya?" She asked. I looked at her. My hands had stopped shaking, but I forget to ask. "I do not know," I said. "Where are Kaname and Yuuki?"

"Kaname sleeps with Yuuki. Who was afraid of so much blood. "I nodded, stuck my hand out to Yuuri and walked with her to our bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and turned out the light itself.

"Haru ... what is it?"

"Kaiya has dreamed that she was dead." Yuuri's face clouded. "Not only that. I liked it. "

She remained silent and looked at me facial expression. "Do you like it?" I glared at her and shook my head. "How can I, Kaiya is my daughter, but still." I sighed. "If Rido kill Kaiya then Yuuki can out of the basement. I feel a conflict. "

"Haruka," whispered Yuuri. "We have only one daughter." She cried themselves. "Kaiya is a gift to protect Yuuki. If I make it, it is less difficult. "

"You throw Kaiya from the family?" Yuuri was crying in my arms.

"Please, Haruka" she whispered. "I love just fooling myself."

"I know," I whispered. "But Yuuki must survive. We have come too far. Kaiya's fate is death, so we have only one daughter. "

The next Chapter Kaiya goes to school and find her parents en Kaname really stressed home. Who was that Yuuki girl?

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now