29. Do not play games with a pureblood - part three

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Kaname Kuran

All night class vampire arrived in the hall of the moon dorm.

'Lord Kaname,' Akatsuki said. 'What is wrong. '

'We had a pureblood with us all the time.'

'Like Yuuki?' Akatsuki asked.

'Like her yes, Kaiya Akane is a pureblood and she also turned out in a bad one.'

'Kaiya Akane?' Roselia repeat me. 'She was a not a strong vampire. ' I stared at the woman with red hair and green eyes.

'Then you don't know her, the elite class come with me and fight her. The new student catch Akio before he reach Kaiya and Kerria. '

'A real mission for the pureblood,' Daichi said happily. I nodded.

'Lord Kaname,' a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Maria standing in the door post. 'Sorry I am late.'

She wore a black dress and her hair was wet. The rain started to fall.

'No matter,' I said. ' you better make sure you can fight another aristocrat.' She nodded.

'Elite follow me,' why did I say elite? They were only Takuma, Ruka and Akatsuki.

Rima Toya

Senri and I walked down the city near Cross Academy.

'Why are we here?' He asked.

'Because I want to marry you and I will not marry you without my friends. '

'Maybe Kaname Kuran hate me. I was the one Rido took over.'

'What about Takuma, he protected you.'

'What about Hanabusa?' I stared at Senri.

'Where are you talking about?'

'Follow me,' he said. Not that I had a choice. He grabbed my hand and pull.

'Hanabusa wait!' Senri screamed.

The group stopped. One of them was a dayclass human the other was a girl with a cape. Oh yeah and Hanabusa.

'What is going on?' I asked.

'Senri, Rima,' Hanabusa said happily, then he stared a bit afraid to the caped girl.

'What the hell is this,' Senri said. The human girl held the hand of Hanabusa.

'I want to be a vampire,' the girl said.

'I think I have to right to slam her,' Senri said.

'You don't have anything,' the caped girl said.

'Okay sorry miss,' I said.

'Can they come with us?' Hanabusa asked.

'I don't like them,' the girl said.

'That won't make us leave,' I said full of anger.

The girl stared down the road for a while.

'Okay quick, we are followed.'

As fast as a could I "walked' through the city. In one of the last areas there was an abandoned house.

'why are you so in a hurry,' A voice said next to me. I tried real hard to not look at her way. The don't know, Kerria was with us in het invisible form. I opened the door.

'This is not the real place I was thinking about a house of a pureblood. '

'I said that we go to the meeting point.' Some purebloods aren't that rich.

In the living room, or the ruins you can call it we take or seats.

'Were is she?' The human girl asked.

'I go and seek her,' I said and stand up.

'Shall we go with you?' Hanabusa asked.

'I better go alone,' I said and stood up.

they think I go alone. In a sleeping room or something Kerria made herself visible. She wore the same clothes I did. 'are you ready?' I asked. She nodded. With the cape no one can see her face. Kerria waited till I changed clothes and I also wore a cape. Now they can't see my face.

'Human you can come, but only you and your lover are allowed to come in.' I screamed. I took seat in a chair while Kerria bent before me. She would do if she was me.

Akio Akane

I kept running till I was somewhere in the forest. I didn't know how Kaiya was doing.

I run to the middle of the forest. You never guess what happened. It started raining, really?!

I tried to find a hiding spot, I don't like water. I stares to the mountains, there must a cave or something. I walked up the when I had the feeling I was followed. There was only a black bird. I stared at it and walked slowly. When I was close enough I tried to catch it, but the bird escape. That was the most horrible bird I've ever seen.

I walked up the hill... again and find a cave. Not a half hour later I heard some footsteps, a lot of footsteps.

The nightclass is searching for me. It doesn't real surprise me.

'Hello there,' I said without think about it. I stepped out the cave.

'I am impressed,' Daichi said.

'It's sad that we are fighting against each other, we have been so close.'

'That was a real long time ago,' he answered. I stared to Daichi, Tsukiko, Roselia, Naiko and Maria. The whole new nightclass students.

'Sad that we do not end this year together.'

'Stop playing games,' Tsukiko screamed.

I nodded. 'This won't take long. Since Rido Kuran appearance I've been trained to fight. No one of you has any experience.'

'Oh jeah take this!' Roselia screamed. She used her power of roses and tried to tangled me. My leg was already taken over by her branches.

'Not bad,' I said. 'Let see what the other girl can do.' I stared at Tsukiko.

'I am not that weak,' she said. She user het power of water and bend it my way. I kicked my leg in the air and Tsukiko cut the branches for me.

'I know you are not weak,' I smiled. 'Just a little bit stupid. '

I would have pay a much to see that face of her. I used there confuse moment to run down the hill.

Kaiya Akane Kuran

The girl slowly walked up. 'Come on you don't have the whole day,' I said.

'I am sorry,' she stared at me.

'Are you the pureblood,' I nodded, but I don't know if she can see that with the cape. I reached my hand. Hanabusa bend next to Kerria

'You really want to be vampire?' I asked.

She nodded and looked scared.

'Even if you become the lowest vampire, the weakest that can be controlled by aristocrats or even by my.'

'Hanabusa is an aristocrat and my best friend Yuuki is an pureblood.'

'Why didn't Yuuki bite you?'

'She don't want me to a vampire.'

'Don't worry a life like this isn't that bad.'

My mouth was coming closer and closer. I felt the warmth of their body and I saw the blood flowing through her body.

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now