33. Kaiya is alive?!

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Yuuri Kuran

Finally everything went normal. With normal i mean, having a son old enough to marry, loving a daughter you don't really know well. Still I find myself wake up happily, when I hear the sound of my children around the house. A half year past and Yuuki refused to go to Cross Academy again.

At this moment we all sat in the living room. Yuuki and I near the fireplace. Haruka and Kaname were playing chess.

'I never thought this would happen again,' Haruka said. 'I am so happy you finally can come out of the basement.'

'The basement wasn't that wrong daddy,' Yuuki said.

'And you Kaname, I am so proud that you killed Rido.'

'Thanks mom,' Kaname said shortly.

'My dream came true, that everything happened as we planned it.'

'As we planned it!' Kaname said and stared at him. With his hands he played in his turn the queen forwards. 'The plan was that you survive and helped me rule the vampire world.'

'I know, but in the end. I wasn't able to escape.' Haruka was lying. The only reason he didn't survive the attack was because he wants to save Kaiya at the last moment. Kaiya, does Yuuki know about her. At that moment I remembered the weird dream I had.

'I have dreamed so strange this night,' I said. 'I dreamed we were all in the basement like we were siting now. The door was close and still I had the feeling someone stared at us. I saw a girl, like Yuuki with black hair scratching in the door.'

The positive atmosphere was gone and everyone felt it.

'Kaname,' Haruka said.

'Yes father.'

'Why is your body in shock?'

'Because my king is in danger,' Kaname said. Haruka stared again.

'Should you tell me something Kaname.' My body knew there was something I didn't want to hear.

Kaname mopped something.

'Speak out loud Kaname, you know how I that,' I said.

'Kaiya is alive,' Yuuki said. Haruka stood up that fast that all chessmen felt from the board on the ground. 'What! She is alive,' he replied. Then he stared at me. 'How?'

'I don't know. I remember her lying on the ground.'

'Were is she? How do you know?' Haruka speak to fast.

'Calm down daddy. We tell you everything,' Yuuki said. Kaname stared at Yuuki. 'Stop hiding thinks always Kaname!'

'We listen mom dad, Kaiya appeared at Cross academy as adoptive child of the Akane family. Kaname had recognized her and she had recognized Kaname. Kaiya tried to find a way to kill Kaname and me. '

'Why?' I interrupt her. I was shocked by the last words.

'Calm down,' Yuuki screamed. 'Kaiya said that in the whole Kuran family always a member is that felt out of it. You and dad married and you two left Rido. Me and Kaname are together and we left Rido. Kaiya bit Sayori, my best friend and she became a vampire. Zero and Ichiru, my perfects mates tried to kill her. Kaname let her go and killed Kerria Akane. The other one Akio Akane escaped.'

'Kaiya is right, 'Kaname said. 'We keep leaving a family member that want to kill us later. When I rule this family, I will make sure every of my children will have a peaceful childhood.'

I nodded. 'Your right Kaname,' I said. 'I think we have done the same thing or parents did, because we saw everything in love and roses and my wish was to be so happy as that they were with us. I became that happy with you two, but -'

'We also felt a child with a bad childhood. We couldn't know that Kaiya would survive. I was a great plan.'

'Does that mean, you're planning to leave it this way,' Kaname said full of hope.

'No, I will see my child. I want to talk with her and hope she will come back and forgive us.'

'She never do that. You would only make her angry.'

'At least I can try.'

'No at least you can die. Kaiya is dangerous. The little baby you knew is gone. She became a pureblood killing assassin. Okay I have killed purebloods to, but I don't to kill us.'

'How did she killed a pureblood?'

'With the sword Rido used to kill you. She dropped it. But the sword didn't make her that powerful.'

Haruka Kuran

'Okay I will leave it this way,' I said. After a while Yuuki and Kaname left the room.

'You're not gonna leave it this way, do you?'

'Of course not. Kaname has promised her something, but I didn't. I will let the spies search for her. I will ask her to come and if she refuse I will kidnap her.'

'Kidnap her?' Yuuri said.

'There is nothing else I can do.'

Kaiya Akane

I opened the door of the house. 'That was a fun day,' Akio said.

'Yes,' I said. Akio and I took both a part time job. Money for clothes and the house won't come that easy in my pocket. 'I am glad you saved me in the magazine.'

'I will always do,' Akio said. I opened the door of the fridge and grabbed the bottle wine. We took or sits at be balcony and watch the sun going down.

'I love this one,' Akio said when I spilt the last wine in our glasses.

'You should let me buy the wine often,' I said. The alcohol was doing his work in my head. Not that a vampire really can become drunk.

'You know,' Akio said. 'Our neighbors thinks that we a young married couple.'

'I don't even have a ring,' I said and I laugh.

'Oh yeah,' Akio said. 'The ring is the problem.'

At that moment I stood up. 'What's wrong?' Akio asked.

'Soldiers of Kaname Kuran were near,' I said.

'What now? They have left us a whole year.'

'And now we are back,' A sound said behind.

'Seiren, what a long time ago,' I said. 'I wish it would have been longer.' I found out that she was not alone. 'Mote friends?'

'Yeah, an escort to the Kuran Mansion. They want to talk to you.'

'No thank I refuse,' I said. 'Said Kaname that he should leave me!'

'I am afraid it's not Kaname who gave me this order.'

'I don't just get out of my house,' Akio said.

'Quiet Akane!'

'No don't worry, you may stay,' I said. 'Akio and I will leave. Something good the Kuran family will destroy for me again.' I want to walk back to the balcony there were standing two tall vampires.

'Okay a fight,' Akio said.

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now