Trans Hop headcanons

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honestly I saw someone headcanon hop as transgender in a really disturbing incest fanfiction but I'm gonna try to erase that from my mind :)

also these headcanons aren't based off me in anyway haha no way they are that would be crazy lol

Also anyone wanna send me binder money 🙂 I have money in general but I got transphobic parents and they control my bank account 🙀 not my PayPal though 😉😌😏

also anyone else get that feeling where their life is going pretty well and they feel happy and content but get nervous that something bad is going to happen soon? :D


Hop was always pretty stereotypically masculine and he realised he was trans right after puberty

He is trans because I said so, and part of the reason he wants to become the champion so bad is because he feels like its a very masculine thing. and because of sonia he thought that being pokemon scientist is girly

if victor was transgender as well hop probably transitioned after him

Hop only has top dysphoria (cOoChIeMaN)

He only goes to raihan to talk about transmasc stuff because leon's just like "sis = bro now?! Lit 😎"

He doesn't get misgendered too often because most people think "is that leon's brother?!" before they have a chance to think "is that... A brother ? 🌚👿"

His mom had no clue being trans was a thing before she met raihan, she thought he was just a tomboy before a very awkward and probably long conversation.

Leon somewhat found out hop was trans before hop told him because of how often he wore the dysphoria™ hoodie

Leon bought hop his first binder, his mom was worried about rib problems but leon helped do a presentation on how responsible hop was and how he would wear it correctly and not for long periods of time