Don't Let Go

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"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!" Kara knew it was going to be a struggle getting Winn onboard. Alex, Winn and Kara were the only ones left in the Gryffindor common room, James had retired to bed about an hour ago complaining about be tired from studying up on herbology. Kara had always liked it in the Gryffindor common room. The red and gold throughout the room caught the light from the always burning fire and sent out warm and cozy vibes. The room was rather silent this night and Winn's exasperated screams did not bode well with it. A ghost appeared from within a wall across from Kara and hushed them rather loudly in her opinion. The ghost left them and Alex smacked Winn on the shoulder, "You're even waking up the dead, shut up Winn and let Kara finish speaking."

Kara laughed at Alex's interfering. "Thanks Alex... Winn I just need you to get me into the Ravenclaw's dormitory. After that I won't ask anything else from you, you're free to go," she paused, "Please Winn it's important."

"What is so important that you want me to sneak you into the Ravenclaw common room after hours?"

Kara sighed, "It just is Winn. I just need to know something."

Winn looked at Alex who was looking at him with a very serious gaze, giving him no other choice. It was two against one. He sighed and slumped his shoulders admitting defeat. "Fine but once I get you in there I expect you to be able to handle yourself and get back to your dorm unnoticed. Understand?"

Kara smiled and hugged him tightly, "Understood! Thank you!"

Shortly after Winn and Kara left Alex to her dormitory, they began on the mission to sneak Kara into Ravenclaw. The passageways of Hogwarts with no floating candles or lit torches became a rather daunting place to roam around. They snuck behind pillars and statues avoiding the ever roaming prefixes or even Mr. Filch's cat. After what seemed like an eternity they finally reached the inside of Ravenclaws dormitory. Winn bid Kara goodbye and left her to her own devices. Kara was surprised to see a decent amount of Ravenclaws up still, all at different areas of the common room, necks bent over books varying in shapes and sizes. But there was one Ravenclaw that Kara was specifically looking for.

There in the back corner, legs stretched out underneath a blanket, book in hand, head resting gently against the tall window the bench was connected to, was Lena. Kara stared momentarily, she didn't mean to but she just couldn't seem to help it. Lena looked relaxed for once, no brother in tow, no public image to uphold. She simply laid there, raven hair undone, a simple shirt and sweats on. Shaking herself out of her daydream Kara moved towards her, unnoticed by all the other students who were emerged in their studies. Silently coming up behind her she stopped just a foot away from her and said in a gentle and quiet tone to as not alarm the rather silent room,

"Is the book really that captivating?"

Lena jumped slightly, closing her book and turning to look at who had dared interrupt her reading, her eyes lit up gently when they landed on Kara and a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Wha...Kara what are you doing here? How'd you even get in here? It must be well past hours."

Kara motioned at Lena's feet on the other side of the bench, and Lena nodded her head, moving so that Kara could sit next to her.

"I had some help getting here but I just had to see you Lena."

A blush crept onto Lena's cheeks but Kara doubted anyone else in the room but her would've noticed.

"I don't understand Kara, are you okay? Do you need help with something?"

Kara leaned forward, a smile already take place, "Actually I do need help with something and I require your assistance Miss Luthor."

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