What Love Is

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Waking up the next morning Kara realized that the night before was filled with betrayal. Reina had kissed Kara and Lena had been on what Kara could only assume was a date with Oliver. A sinking feeling started in Kara's stomach. She supposed that in reality neither her nor Lena had asked each other out so in turn they weren't dating and were free to see other people. But Kara had hoped to express her true feelings to Lena yesterday... to tell her how much that kiss had meant to her. Instead she'd come face to face with Oliver caressing Lena'a cheek, about a breath away from kissing her.

Kara shook her head, ridding herself of the foul thoughts that followed. She clenched and unclenched her fist, causing herself to think of what that strange moment with the couch was. Kara could've sworn that the wood had splintered beneath her grip but how could that have been? Sure Kara was strong but she didn't even feel she had been using a decent amount of her strength. Kara stared at her hands in fear... what was happening to her?

She was scaring herself. She shook her head, all of this was too much. She needed to find a place she could think and breathe. Without even really processing it her feet dragged her to the quidditch pitch and as she shot in the air on her nimbus, bursting through the gray and white clouds that covered the sky around Hogwarts, Kara took in a deep and startling breath of air.

Letting her breath out she finally found a steady grip on her broom, her hands no longer shaking. Being in the sky always helped her. Away from the all the noises and people below on the ground. The more Kara relaxed she lazily flew around on her broom. Leaning back on it, her feet dangling, she knew that up here amongst the clouds she was free.

Her mind wandered back to Lena. While she was hurt discovering her with Oliver, Kara too had also been out with another person who seemed to have feelings for her, not that Kara had known that when she'd agreed to go. Alex always said Kara was oblivious to the boys and girls in Hogwarts who fawned over her. It just didn't catch her attention. Until she met Lena. She had her attention from the second she stepped in her line of sight, and ever since then Kara hadn't been able to shake her out.


Brave, ridiculously intelligent, beautiful, funny. Ugh she drove Kara wild. She had never met someone who caught her attention and heart the way Lena did. She was just.... magical. Kara couldn't help but smile thinking of her, she covered her eyes with her arm. She laughed to herself,  what was she going to do. Deep down she knew the answer. She'd risk everything to let Lena know how she felt. No matter what.

Kara felt better than she had the previous night. Somehow she felt things were going to be okay.


Kara turned her head, Alex was there on her broom, a concerned look on her face. Kara sat up, "Hey what're you doing here?"

Alex flew over and grabbed Kara by the back of her head and pulled her in close, "I've been looking for you for hours! Lena came to me hysterically, and said she was worried about you and that you'd hadn't been answering her. What's going on Kara what happened?"

They flew around the pitch slowly as Kara told her what had happened the night before with both Reina and Oliver.

"You know I can hex Oliver if you want me to? He wouldn't even know it was me, I'll give him jelly legs for a week or two."

Kara laughed feeling more relaxed and at ease after talking to her sister. "While that offer sounds really tempting it's okay Alex. Lena and I never made anything exclusive, we were both within our own rights. But that's not gonna stop me, I want to let her know how I feel. Nothings gonna stop me this time. I just need her to know, even if she doesn't feel the same."

Alex looked at Kara with a smile on her face, "Look at my baby sister... you're growing up."

Kara pushed her lightly, "Oh stop it."

They laughed and decided to fly around the pitch for a little and practice. When they'd finished and landed Kara noticed a single person in the stands, bundled in winter attire trying to stay warm in the frosty December air. Kara's heart skipped a beat. She'd been watching her.

Alex out her hand on Kara's shoulder, "Go. Talk to her," and went her separate way.

Lena began to walk down to the pitch slowly, and Kara towards her, her heart beating a mile a second. The world seemed to slow down around them, and Kara began to feel nervous. But then they were just a few feet away and she saw Lena beautiful face, and those emerald eyes and Kara knew.

Finally face to face they smiled shyly at each other.
Lena spoke first, "Are you okay?"

Kara didn't hesitate, "I am now that you're here. I'm sorry about last night Lena. I promise I wasn't stalking you," they both laughed, eyes locked in a loving daze, "the truth is last night Reina kissed me. I didn't know that was how she felt Lena I swear, if I had I wouldn't have agreed to go and be alone with her."

Lena stopped Kara by grabbing both of her hands in hers, "It's okay Kara I believe you. I've seen you first hand be a bit oblivious to the girls that swoon after you in the halls, and at your games. While I'm not exactly ecstatic about Reina kissing you...I know that we kissed one another but we never said we were dating or anything, I get it."

"No that's just the thing though Lena. I pushed Reina off after she kissed me because you see there's only one girl I want to be kissing, and that you. I was on my way to talk to you but then I saw you with Oliver and, I don't know my heart just,"

Lena cut her off, "Noooo you don't understand. It's not what it looked like. I'm not into Oliver nor was I going to let him kiss me. I was actually planning to whisper a mute hex into his ear. My brother sent him to try and get with me, so that I would stop pursuing someone else. And that someone is you Kara. I've ... ive never felt so connected to someone, so safe, so cared for."

Kara's felt butterflies in her chest, "Lena I haven't been able to get you out of mind since the moment I saw you on the train to Hogwarts. I've never met someone as brave, smart, and strikingly beautiful as you. You claim the girls swoon after me but you are the only girl I notice Lena."

Kara pulled Lena closer into her, their breaths mingling in front of them in the cold air. Lena gripped onto Kara, "Kara wait."

"What's wrong Lena," Kara asked in a low and seductive voice.

Lena bit her lip but looked her in her eyes, "I'm scared. I've never...love isn't exactly something I've had a lot of in my life. I... I'm not really sure how to love you the way you deserve to be loved."

Kara pulled Lena in even closer, and brought her mouth inches away from hers, "Then let me show you what love is."

They closed the gasp between in a somewhat desperate passion. Everything they wanted to say and had felt was in this kiss. Every sensation was like electricity through their bodies. Snow began to float down around them, coating them slightly by the time they finally stopped kissing.

For the rest of the Holiday Kara and Lena spent every waking moment together, in each other's arms, adventuring around the empty castle and grounds, discovering more and more about each other. Kara and Alex have Lena a traditional Christmas that made Lena so happy she had been close to tearsThe couple was extremely happy, and as it turned out Lena was learning to open up her heart more and more to Kara, before it soon became easy to give Kara the love she deserved.

Too soon for both of them the holiday was over. With the starting of the new term the pair was unaware of what was heading their way... but for now they were undeniably and unconditionally happy and in love.

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