I can be your friend

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The first few days of classes were as dragging as Kara remembered them to be. She drifted from class to class all awaiting the moment when she was finally done and would rush to the quidditch field. She loved to fly. No other feeling in the world had compared to it. The first time she rode a broom, the biggest smile had come onto her face and stood there for what seemed like ages. She had shouted off the top of her lungs, and Alex had to cast a spell to hush her up saying their neighbors would think she was a mad woman. From the moment she learned how to ride a broom till this very day Kara had never once stopped loving the feeling that it gave her every single time. The thrill was exhilarating. James had mocked her saying that she sounded like she was in love with her nimbus 2000. Kara had threatened to marry it if James kept it up.

Now rushing down to the field she ran through the corridors of the school, passing by first years who gawked at their upperclassman. Kara was shy to admit but she was somewhat of a legend throughout Hogwarts. She was one of the few first years ever to get a spot on the quidditch team. Ever since then she's been making amazing plays on the field that gave her, as Alex put it, serious cred in the school. More and more people would come to matches if they knew Kara was in the lineup and these days she seemed to always be. Kara didn't play quidditch for the fame, though it was nice being on friendly terms with almost everyone in the school. No, Kara played quidditch because of the drive within her when she was first ever introduced to the game. As Professor Dumbledore had once stated, Kara was one of the fastest seekers Hogwarts had ever seen. When she was high up above the stadium, the world and it's problems seemed to fade away. Everything went silent when she was in pursuit of the snitch, everything coming to a halt around her as she rushed forward, faster and faster, arm extended to the golden ticket that would guarantee her teams win. Just when it seemed she wouldn't catch it, she'd have an extra boost of speed and feel the ball's tiny wings flutter against her fingers as she clasped onto it.

Breaking from her dream she realized she was already at the quidditch pitch. She said hey to everyone that chose to come out for another friendly game among the houses. Each team consisted of a wide mix of students from all years and houses. Changing into her Hufflepuff training gear, Kara took her broom and slammed against the floor ascending high into the bright blue sky above Hogwarts today. Kara put on her goggles and leaned over her broom. A playful smirk came to her face as she prepared for the match ahead. About and hour and a half later the teams were drenched in sweat and gave each other high fives as they congratulated each other on a good game. Kara was the last to head back to the ground and as she descended she noticed and interesting pair in the stands filled with a few people who had gathered to watch.

When her feet hit the ground Kara put up her goggles and brushed back a few strands of loose hair that had matted to the sides of her face from sweat. A pack of girls whispered excitedly as Kara walked passed them, but Kara hardly noticed them as her eyes were trained on only one person in the stands. Lena Luthor sat there, a gentle smile on her face as Lex was explaining something to her in a rather hyper state as he was using his hands a lot Kara noticed. The first thought that came to her mind though was how long had Lena been watching her play? She suddenly felt nervous but continued on her set path. Kara took up the stairs to the stands and slowly made her way to the siblings.

"How was the game," Kara asked, slightly out of breath but with a smile nonetheless. 

Lex turned around, brown curls falling into his eyes as he looked up at her from his seat. "A rather good one actually."

Kara couldn't tell if he meant it as a compliment or what because his facial expression maintained it's natural stoic state.

"Do you play?"

Lex smirked at that, "I was the number one chaser for my old school. While your game was good, I think with me on the field you'd have a lot more to worry about than just the snitch"

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