How She Felt

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A few days had passed since Kara and Lena had shared that magical kiss. They had gone back to Hogwarts that evening and found refuge from the cold in front of the large fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room. Other students where outside playing in the snow, so that gave Kara and Lena some alone time in the common room. They sat close, arms around each other for hours in front of the fire before Kara walked Lena back to her dormitory and they gave each other an awkward hug and said goodnight.

Now it was the middle of the week and Lena and Kara had not talked about the kiss. What did it mean? Did they have feelings for each other ? Was Lena just messing around with her? We're they dating ?! All of these thoughts ran around Kara's mind and made it very difficult to focus on anything happening in divination at the moment. Kara wasn't sure if her tea leaves were telling her she was going to be immensely happy soon, or if a dark spirit was following her. She gave up on reading the leaves. Her mind was encompassed by nothing but Lena.

Staring deeply into the empty tea cup Kara didn't even notice red hair walk across the room towards her. A gentle grabbed her shoulder and woke Kara from her thoughts. She jumped slightly and looked up into the warm smiling eyes of Reina.

"You scared me half to death Reina."

Reina took that as an invitation and laughed while taking a seat next to Kara," You looked spaced out Kara. Couldn't miss my opportunity."

Kara thought suddenly, "Not to be rude by why are you here Reina? Aren't you in divination with Alex?"

Reina put her bag down and took out some books from within it, " I am. But I'm trying to get into Slughorns club and since I'm new here I don't have many extra curricular activities to put on my resume. The professor has kindly let me come into some of her other classes to help out any students that need catching up. You seemed like a prime subject at the moment no offense."

They both laughed as Kara couldn't argue she surely hadn't been paying attention to anything happening in that class all morning. Reina helped Kara catch up on her notes and even helped her read her tea leaves. Kara was completely and helplessly unaware when anyone was ever flirting with her, and she did not notice the longing stares Reina gave her. Nor the lingering touches she left on the tips of Kara's fingers. To anyone else it would have been completely clear but to Kara Danvers she didn't notice a single girl that wasn't Lena Luthor.

Reina left to help a few other students but came back to Kara before the end of the class. Kara found herself liking Reina. She was a cool person, easy to talk to, especially about quidditch, funny, and gave off an easy going attitude. Together when class was dismissed they walked out and as they exited the classroom laughing about some quirky thing Kara had said, Reina put her hand on Kara's shoulder and looked her deeply in the eyes.

With a slight smile on her face she said, " You know you still owe me a private tour around the castle, don't you?"

Kara had completely blanked with her thoughts consumed of only Lena lately.

"I'm so sorry! How could I have forgotten. How about later this afternoon?"

Reina smiled brightly and ran her hand across Kara's shoulder as she walked away, " See you later then Supergirl."

Kara thought it was odd how touchy Reina was but maybe it was an American trait. Odd one. As Kara turned her head striking black hair whipped around in an flash and hurried out of the hallway. Lena. Kara gasped internally and ran after her.

She called out to her, "Lena ! Lena wait !"

Finally Kara caught up to her and turned her around gently, " Lena what's going on? Why'd you run away?"

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