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I stared at the demon in front of me. He's casually sitting on a chair that looks like a throne. I sat on the chair opposite to him. We're in an empty hall with large window sills. The walls are made of stone bricks and there are also dog demons standing on each side of the hall.

"Why did you take me?" I asked, my voice echoing in the hall.

He looked at me, his golden eyes seemed playful but dangerous. "I think you don't recognize me."

I crossed my arms and stared blankly. I'm not impressed with his stalling. "Get to the point," I patiently requested.

He chuckled, covering his face with a hand. "Impatient as ever," he replied. "I'll explain everything to you but I have to take something first."

I was about to ask when two dog demon held both of my arms on each side. The man I was talking to walked in front of me. He reached for the bottle of shards on my neck, pulling to snap the necklace.

"Do not fret, woman. I'll keep this safe," he bowed in front of me, holding the bottle of shards on his right hand.

I squirmed on their tight grip and they let go. "Tell me why did you take me," I asked again, feeling the line of my patience run short.

He went back to his chair, crossing his leg and placing the bottle on the arm rest. "The story is for another day, but I'll tell you this. You're not as pure as you think you are, my lady."

My brows furrowed when my sight suddenly blurred. My head started throbbing again, the same pain I experience before passing out. I tightened my grip on the chair, my nails digging on the wood.

"This is suicidal," I heard him whisper. His footsteps echoed; the sound is overwhelmingly loud.

My breathing became ragged as I keep my eyes tightly shut. A hand touched my shoulder, the coldness seemed to pull me away from the dreadful pain. I swatted his hand away, coughing lightly. I hear him chuckle before walking away.

I rested my back on the chair, closing my eyes andcalming my nerves. "You know something, do you?" I asked.

"Do I?" he mused. "Have I introduced myself? I'm Jin. You'll meet me often now."

I opened my eyes to look at him, a warm smile plastered on his face. "Give me back the shards."

He shook his head. "No, not until..." he trailed off, as if he's about to say something he shouldn't.

"Until what?"

"Until you're fine."

I glared at him; my usual calm expression is wearing off. I've never been this harsh since I'm with Inuyasha. It looks like someone took over his place.

"Alright, don't blame me if you turn into an evil demon. Not that you don't already look like one," I muttered, aware that he can hear me.

He laughed loudly, he clutched his stomach and faked wiping a tear. "Yeah, go away. Escort her to her room," he ordered.

I stood up and followed the guards leading me outside the hall. We passed an open area with garden, I stared at the fountain for a moment. I want to have something like that on my yard, too. The guards held the door open.

I entered the room and went ahead to the balcony. "This is..." I gaped in awe as I watch the waves of the sea kiss the sand.

I stayed there for a couple of minutes before slumping on the bed. I thought it'll be ancient like or antique style of bed but it looks modern. I wonder who influenced them to design the bed like this. I'm surprised these demons are smart.

I stood up and walked to the full-length mirror. Beside it is the kimonos of different colors and styles. "Are they for me?" I whispered.

"Of course, for whom would it be?"

I turned around and spotted Jin beside the door. His arms are crossed while leaning on the door frame. He walked beside me and looked at the kimono I'm holding.

He smiled before saying, "I knew you'd pick that."

My eyebrows creased. The more he talks, the more I get curious about him. Does he know anything about me? "When are you going to tell me?" I insisted, placing back the clothes.

He smirked at me. "You'll know soon, don't worry."

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