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My head pounded so hard it jolted me awake. I sat straight and rubbed my eyes. The memory from last night is hazy but I can still remember what happened.

Who helped me?

I looked around to see grass and trees everywhere. My yellow bag is still with me. I can hear giggles and complaints from a distance. I stood up when my vision started clearing. My hands immediately went on a branch of tree as a support. My knees are still wobbling but I can manage.

"Lady Kagome, you're awake!" I slowly turned around to greet Rin. I recognized Jaken's voice so I assumed he's with Rin. She went to me for a hug and placed a flower on my hand before letting me go.

"Thank you, this is beautiful." I smiled at her. Rin's eyes widened when she looked at me. Her lips parted in shock. She looked back to Jaken who's also looking at me intently.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I asked. I can feel my hands getting weak again. My knees gave up and I fell to the ground. Rin helped me sit properly so I could lean on the tree trunk.

"Your... eyes are gold, like Lord Sesshomaru's," Rin mumbled.

My brows furrowed as I try to understand her words. I unconsciously covered my eyes, fumbling on my bag as I look for my mirror. I took it out and looked at my reflection.

I let out a small gasp as I stare at my golden orbs. "How did this happen?"

"We don't know, Lady Kagome. You've been unconscious since last night," she explained.

I glanced at her and then back to my reflection. I noticed that my nails are longer than what I remember.

"Where's Lord Sesshomaru?" I asked. I looked at Jaken who's sitting in front of us with his arms crossed.

He looked away. "He left last night after bringing you here. What a troublesome woman," he scoffed.

I sighed and rested the back of my head on the tree. Rin is still staring at my eyes while Jaken refuse to look at me again. "I'm sorry I troubled you all. Sesshomaru didn't have to help me but tell him I appreciate it," I apologized.

Rin panicked when I started picking up my bag and dusting off my sweatshirt. "You can't leave yet!" she urged.

I looked down at her and crouched on her level. "Why? Do you want me around?" I chuckled.

She nodded continuously. "Yes, I'd like you to stay for this day, Lady Kagome. I don't think you should force yourself to travel in your current condition."

Her eyes looked so bright while looking at me. "Okay, but I'm not staying if Lord Sesshomaru decides to make me leave."

She flashed a smile before hugging my neck. I can hear Jaken's murmurings, consisting mostly of complaints.

"Join the hug, Master Jaken!" Rin laughed.

I laughed with her, too. Settling my bag on the ground and returning to my position earlier, resting on the tree.

I should wait for Sesshomaru. Is it possible for him to know what's happening with me?

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