The BIG Mistake

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It was morning. And Rin Kagamine, Vocaliod #2 has woken up.

Rin P.O.V

I woke up and looked around, My head was pounding from the night before. Miku was fighting over Kaito with Kaiko. I Obviously had to break it up or else Len would have to, then he would get all upset. Well, while I was trying to break it up, Miku sort of attacked me with her leek.

That was a great night....honestly I don't know what happened after that. All I remember after is that I just suddenly woke up in my room. I hope everything is all right. And that no one else got hurt. Or else I'd have to bring out my fucking Roadroller.

I pulled the blankets off of me and sat up on my bed. "Ughh.." I got up and walked to my bathroom lazily. Once I got in I opened the medicine cabinet and looked for the aspirin. "God Dammit. Miku probably borrowed my aspirin without asking." I sighed quietly in desperation as I closed the medicine cabinet door, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I heard my door to my room open slowly. I walked out to see Len standing there confused, then up to look at me. "Oh, There you are I got a bit worried." Len said as he scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously. "What are you doing here? Why did I suddenly end up on my bed?" Len stopped and looked at me. "You passed out after you took those hits from Miku and Kaiko so I took them both out and brought you up to your room." Len said as he sat down on my bright orange bed. He then grabbed a Len Plushie that He got me back when we were younger.

"Is That alright with you?" He laughed nervously again as he held the plushie very close beside him.

I sighed lightly. "Yeah, it's fine." ..I then thought up a great idea.

"Hey, where are the three of them?"

"I sent them to Teto for a few hours so they wouldn't wake you up or bother you for when you did wake up." Len said.

I nodded in agreement and smiled. "Do you want breakfast?" He asked.

I looked down and nodded a bit. Len got up and put The plushie Len right by Plushie Rin and I smiled. Len is always too sweet.

Len P.O.V

I walked downstairs to the kitchen with Rin and opened the door for her. Once we got in the kitchen I looked through the fridge and Drawers for something to make.. But I couldn't find anything.

"Um Rin-Chan, What..Would you want to eat?" I looked over at Rin and I saw her start thinking.

"I honestly don't know.." I sighed as continued to look for something.

"Sorry, I guess I'll just have an orange." Fuck...There are no more oranges..

I looked over at her once more and she was looking at the fruit bowl with her hand reaching out to it. She put on a serious face. "DIDN'T I JUST HAVE ABOUT WHAT? LIKE 5 ORANGES?!" Heh...

"Yeah but..h-heh..well y-you see...Miku had no more leeks to t-throw at Kaiko and w-well...She grabbed the oranges as a last resort and they were no longer able to be eaten...." Rin was still staring at the fruit bowl.

Her hand was still stretched out as she slowly turned her head, as you would see in a horror movie..which is..kiinndd of happening right now..

An unhappy Rin is not very good Rin....

Third Person P.O.V

While Rin was screaming at Len. Over with Teto, things weren't going very well over there either.

"Kaito is MINE!" The furious teal-haired pigtailed freak screamed as she pulled on one half of Kaito's Scarf.

"NOOO" Cried the Dark blue haird version of Kaito.

As she pulled on the other half of Kaito's scarf.

"Wait my scarf!" Kaito screamed as he was eating...his delicious frozen treat.

The Drill haired girl was on the phone screaming into it. "Len! Luka? Rin! Someone please pick the fuck up! I can't take this!.....

To Be Continued... ^.^

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