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Houston, TX Saturday May, 8th 202110:47 a

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Houston, TX
May, 8th 2021
10:47 a.m.

Naamah Briar

Her eyes fluttered opened as she removed her bare body sleepily from the bed making her way into the bathroom strutting past the mirror not bothering to even glance at it. She took a seat onto the toilet releasing her urine feeling her body completely relaxed, she had a taste of metal in her mouth with caused her to open her mouth slightly and close it back as if she was chewing believing that would disregard the strong taste. She wiped herself correctly then stomped in front of the mirror scratching at her wild hair. She released a frightened shriek as she saw she had dried blood that began to crust from being stuck to her skin so long completely covering her mouth area and over her neck, partially on her bare breasts.

She then raced out of the bathroom going back to the large king size bed covering her mouth in disbelief, "oh my god," she said to herself seeing the man she had slept with last night dead. The skin on the center of his throat was completely gone, it exposed the bone amongst his Adam's apple and there was a large puddle of blood soaking the pillow and sheets beneath him completely.

Naa immediately raced over to the side table and begin dialing her mother's phone number, notching she also had blood stained hands.

"Mo-mommy I did it again," she confessed with tears racing down her face, her hands begin to tremble slightly as her nerves began to grow frantic becoming out of her control. "I'm on my way," her mother spoke to her.

Naa took a seat on the bed as her mother began pacing around the room trying to find the correct words to say to her. Her mother knew exactly what she was and why she unknowingly had a taste of consuming male flesh. "Naamah, you have a gift," her mother began which cause Naa to look up at her unsure of her new found words. "A gift? Mommy this is the second person I've done this too wh-what is wrong with me?" She questions with tears rolling down her face.

"Remember that story I used to tell you when you were younger about the Adam and Eve?" Her mother questioned.

Naa slowly nodded, "the first people to ever walk the earth in the garden of Eden she was crafted from his ribs," Naa recalled trying to remember the deeper meaning of the story but collected nothing.

"Eve wasn't the first woman created for Adam," her mother restated.

In this moment Naa was rather confused as to why her mother was deciding storytelling seemed like a good time when overall she knew it wasn't. Naa quickly stood to her feet, "now is not the fucking time!" She shouted trying to break her mom from out of the trance she seemed to be in and bring her back down to reality.

"Lilith was her name," her mother carried on, "she was the first woman created for Adam but people never bring her up because she left the garden of Eden due to other temptation," she said now gaining all of Naa's attention. Naa slowly took a seat back onto the bed with the dead corpse feet inches away from reaching her. "Lilith met a man who was an archangel, do you know what that is?" Her mother questioned.

Naa shrugged slightly, "chief angels."

"Precisely," her mother broke into a smile, "Lilith met Samael who was an archangel that fell out of heaven.."

"I thought Luci-"

Her mother stopped her in her tracks continuing to speak, "Lilith and Samael fell in love, they couldn't have any children they said that God was punishing Lilith for leaving Adam following into temptation. Instead Lilith made a deal with Lucifer... He promised to give her a child, a daughter for that matter, if she had sex with him and allowed the child to send him souls down to hell. So that way he could build his army. That was the only way the deal would work and Lilith accepted it."

Naa sat their frozen in fear.

"The more you eat the younger you stay, the less you eat your body will begin to deteriorate and your true form will display," she confessed, "men are drawn to you because you have something inside of you which they crave no man on this earth can deny you.. They are what you prey upon and will always prey upon unless you learn to control what you are."

Naa shook her head taking in each word that flew from her supposed mother's mouth. "Are you telling me I'm cursed an-and I was born at the beginning of fucking time? Mama we black! We believe in god, spiritual things but this shit is out of there completely!" Naa shouts as anger courses through her veins. Her mother quickly guides her to a mirror and for a moment, Naa's eyes become completely black. "Fight it," she insists.

Naamah takes a moment to erase the anger she feels becoming calm, causing her orbs to go back to their natural brightly colored hazel.

"Do you believe me now?" Her mother questions letting out a laugh,

"S-so wait? If Lilith is my mother then who are you?" Naa wonders wanting you get down to the bottom of everything from this moment forward. A part of her was hurt knowing the woman who cared for her for over twenty two years wasn't her own mother who created her. "Her sister.." She answers smiling warmingly trying to bring Naa some type of comfort.

"What do we do now?" Naa questions unsure.

Her mother walks over to a bag and pulls out a plane ticket handing it over to her, "I need you to run.."

Naa's bright eyes traced over the ticket seeing it had said Chicago.

( Authors note; I'm fucked up about Von being gone. Every five minutes I'm like " damn he really gone " I feel bad for Asian Doll cause she's one of my favorite female rappers and I know she going through it. He was a really great artist and I loved his music shit would get me and my son hype as thee fuck, may he Rest In Peace but I'm gone continue this book for my sake and the fans sake. O'block forever! <3 )

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