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bebebebebbebebeebbebebebebbebeb hi guys. am i suing this chapter because words cannot express how much pain and sorrow nagito had to go through and most people brush it off and call him crazy? yes. also disclaimer, this is a non despair au, so like non of the killing has happened and monokuma doesn't exist, but every other event has happened.

chiaki: i've seen unbelievable things
i have a new god
ibuki and nagito
are my gods
worship and praise

hajime: what did y'all do to her

ibuki: 😼🥰👋🏻😿😼

fuyuhiko: i don't trust them

sonia: this is sus!

mahiro: you need to stop playing amoung us

hajime: i'm serious nagito what did you do. did you brainwash her?

nagito: why do you assume i did it?

hajime: because your you and you do shit all the time

nagito: okay mr "an octagon is a shape with eight sides, right?" slow down. have you ever once considered that i could actually be hurt by all the bull crap you guys pull just so you can blame it on me? like yeah, i've got a bad luck cycle, but i'm not a demon running around wrecking everything.

kazuichi: jeez okay

nagito has muted kazuichi

nagito: i don't want to have to see you speak or hear you speak

gundham: why are you so rude all of a sudden?

nagito: why am i so rude all of a sudden? why am I SO RUDE ALL OF A SUDDEN? says the ones that tied me up and left me in a empty cold room for 3 days straight, you gave me one plate of food which BY THE WAY hajime put in front of my face, completely aware of my hands being tied up. says the ones that literally move whenever i come near them. says the ones who disregard my mental and physical illness and call me crazy. stfu.

nagito has left the chat

ibuki: fuck you guys.

sonia: oh my atua

mahiro: now i kinda feel bad

mikan: as we should!! we are terrible terrible people

hajime: i get it, i get it.

peko: what an outburst, how long do you think he's been holding that in?..

fuyuhiko: my guess is since we met him, since that food thing happened a bit after that

chiaki: i think you guys should apologise.


chiaki: ibuki and i respect nagito, we think of him as a friend and he knows that. i can't say the same for all of you.

hajime: i will. i'll go to his cottage now.

akane: good luck bro

sonia: my atua! your never online

akane: i could smell drama, decided to pop on. honestly, feeling like shit now


fuyuhiko: literally go away

hhhh guys another pov 😰 is this like pov per chapter? 😳😳

hajime walked from his cottage to nagitos. guilt washing over him. he didn't know that's how nagito felt. to be honest, he never really thought about nagitos feelings, it never came to his mind. so why was he feeling so terrible when he found out nagito was hurt by all this? he stopped infront of the door and sighed, before giving two loud knocks. nothing. he tried again. the door slowly opened. hajime sighed, "nagito? you in here? can i come in?" "yeah whatever, it's not like my feelings matter."

hajime walked in, slowly shutting the door behind him. the room was kinda dark, but you could make out nagito's figure, who was curled up in his bed. hajime stood at the side of his bed, "look, nagito, i'm sorry about what i said. i never knew it hurt you so much" nagito rolled over to face hajime, a angry yet soft look on his face, "wow, what a shocker. hajime hinata, not considering people's feelings." hajime wanted to yell, but he knew that wouldn't make anything better. he took a deep breath out and sat on the side of nagito's bed.

"i really am sorry. im sorry we don't appreciate you that much. i'm sorry we don't treat you like we do others. i'm sorry that you feel this way, but you have to understand, you do act annoying sometimes" he said, trying to sound as nice as possible. nagito rolled on his back and looked up at the ceiling. "hajime" "yeah?" "the doctors say i'm not going to make it past 40, i want to do everything i can before i die." hajime bolted up. he knew nagito was sick, but not being able to make it past 40? all that guilt he felt earlier came rushing back in. he grabbed nagito's hand and looked him in the eye. nagito looked at him, confused by sudden movement. "but nagito, your ultimate luck. maybe you have a chance of living" he smiled. nagito grew a bit red, nobody had grabbed his hand like that before. to be honest, he was pretty touch starved because you know, dead parents sort of thing. but for hajime to willingly grab his hand, it meant a lot to him. he placed his head back down onto his pillow, and quietly chuckled, "yeah, maybe i do"

HAHA I WROTE FLUFF!1!1! LOOK AT ME GO!! see y'all o have trouble writing any strong feeling wether it's fluff, smut or angst. so it took me like 3 days to write this. but i did it!1! claps 4 me 👏🏻👏🏻😻 also komahina go brrr 😳

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