shed go boom 😍

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gundham: there seems to be a little problem...

chiaki: hm? what's up

gundham: kazuichi and i exploded the tool shed.
by accident
it was by accident


mahiru: are you guys kidding me?! that's where i work on my photography! i keep my spare lenses in there!

hajime: we had a tool shed?

hiyoko: are you guys dense!? of course idiots like you would think it was a good idea to do shit like that!

kazuichi: to be fair,
no nvm it was stupid
but it was a learning experience 😋

hiyoko: what? you learnt your a FUCKING IDIOT

kazuichi: :(

chiaki: how about we clean up the mess together, it'll make the clean up part easier.

hiyoko: no way! mahiru and i will watch you! that'll teach them a lesson.

hajime: whatever. i'll go get sonia and nagito, they're probably having a tea party somewhere

hajime walked across the beach, dragging his feet along the sand. sonia and nagito followed behind him, whispering to eachother quietly. 'where is this shed?' hajime sighed under his breath, looking around slowly. "um hajime, pardon me but, do we even have a tool shed?" sonia asked. hajime turned around, "apparently. i don't even know where it is though, so don't trust me on it" he said as he turned back around.

they continued walking along the sandy shore for 10 minuets, until hajime groaned. "WHERE THE HELL IS THIS SHED?" "calm down hajime! jeez no wonder mikan is scared of you!" nagito rolled his eyes. "what?" "nothing" "stop arguing!" sonia yelled, standing in between them, "let the princess handle it!" she exclaimed, taking out her monopad. she pressed the screen lightly a couple times before sharing a worried look. "um.. guys?" sonia said slowly, "we're on the other side of the island"

excuse any messing writing i made in the past (i'm begging you) i was in a bad headspace and updating this fic was affecting it. i took a break and now i'm back! i feel a lot better and i'm on school break, so i can update more (for reals this time) thanks for being so patient with me and my inconsistent writing schedule, i really appreciate it! sorry for such a short chapter, i had to rush through it before i ran out of wifi lmao, next one will be longer!

another PSA, i can't respond to comments any more :( i don't have a verified email because mine stopped working. so don't take offence if i don't respond to your comments!

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